1600s pilgrims

Religion 1600-1750

  • Church of England Founded

    An established church in Virginia.
    Influence on politics/society
  • Plymouth (Massachusetts)

    Mayflower arrives with Pilgrims and the settlement of Plymouth is established.
    Influence on society
  • Massachusetts Founded

    Massachusetts Bay Company is chartered.
    Influence on society
  • Congregational Church

    Established church in Massachusetts.
    Influence on politics/society
  • Maryland Founded

    King Charles grants Lord Baltimore a charter for what will become Maryland. Baltimore intends for Maryland to become a haven for Christians.
    Influence on society
  • Providence Founding (Rhode Island)

    After being banished from Massachusetts, Roger Williams establishes Providence to allow for complete relgious freedom.
    Influence on society
  • Hartford Founded (Connecticut)

    Thomas Hooker, along with a group of Puritans, founded Hartford.
    Influence on society
  • New Haven Founded (Connecticut)

    John Davenport founded New Haven.
    Influence on society
  • Portsmouth Founding (Rhode Island)

    Anne Hutchison, also banished from Massachusetts, founded Portsmouth.
    Influence on society
  • Rhode Island Founding

    Roger Williams gets a charter which joins Providence and Portsmouth into a single colony, Rhode Island.
    Influence on society
  • Act of Toleration (Maryland)

    Cecil Calvert persuades the assembly to pass the Act of Toleration, which is the first law to allow religious freedom in order to protect the Catholic religion within Maryland.
    Influence on society
  • Connecticut Founded

    New Haven and Hartford join together to form Connecticut.
    Influence on society
  • The Holy Experiment

    William Penn is paid in a form of a grant that will become Pennsylvania. He will use this new colony to test his ideas based on his Quaker beliefs. He had three goals in mind: to establish religious freedom, enact liberal ideas within the government and get money.
    Influence on society
  • Protestant Revolt (Maryland)

    The Prostestants rebel and win. The Act of Toleration is repealed and Catholics lose their right to vote.
    Influence on society
  • Delaware Founded

    Penn allows three counties to have their own assembly.
    Influence on society
  • George Whitefield (Great Awakening)

    George Whitefield (Great Awakening)
    George Whitefield comes to America. He preaches that God would save those who openly professed their faith in Jesus and would send those to hell that didn't.
    Influence on politics/society
  • Jonathan Edwards (Great Awakening)

    Preacher Jonathan Edwards performs his sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" and other sermons. He said that people needed to repent or face enternal damnation.
    Influence on politics/society
  • College of New Jersey (Princeton) Founded

    Founded by Presbyterians
    Influence on society
  • King’s College (Columbia)

     King’s College (Columbia)
    Founded by Anglicans
    Influence on society
  • Rhode Island College (Brown) Founded

    Founded by Baptists
    Influence on society
  • Queens College (Rutgers)

    Founded by Dutch Reformed
    Influence on society
  • Dartmouth College

    Dartmouth College
    Founded by Congregationalists
    Influence on society