Relevance of Diada on newspapers

  • ABC, 1990

    ABC, 1990
    Catalonian`s national day gets almost no space on their cover, as it's a national paper. 1990 is not yet a relevant year when it comes to Catalonians` independentist dreams.
  • Period: to

    The impact of the Diada throughout the last 24 years

    ABC serves as a comparing and contrasting tool
  • ABC

    The Diada still has no relevance for the national newspaper as it has no place in the front-page.
  • ABC

    ABC mentions the nationalist event on a secondary spot on their cover. The event is becoming a hot topic. They also highlight the highjacking of the event on grounds of the longed Autonomous Statute.
  • ABC

    The event appears in the headline, but it doesn't get so much importance yet. The news is overshadowed by unemployment issues.
  • ABC

    The news receive the whole attention, placing in the whole cover a picture of Mass and Duran i Lleida and the Catalan flag. The event has become the flagship of the movement, evolving from no relevance at all to flooding covers all over the country.