Blue hat


By lee0004
  • Yellow Hat

    Yellow Hat
    I think a benifet for our behaviour is that majority of the people in our class are not being a blocker or ignoring people and everyone are showing all of the school values.
  • White Hat

    White Hat
    I think that alot of people are very positive about the imformation that they give out to other people. It is a real shame sometimes when people are spreading rumors about other people that aren't true and I know that I'm not the only person in the grade that feels like they've had rumors spread around about them.
  • Red Hat

    Red Hat
    It is a bit disapointing that people are saying things that aren't true, hurting people and/or their feelings and that fact that some people just don't know when to stop. I feel really good about the class behaviour and the way people are treating others. I feel really good about myself being in this grade.
  • Black Hat

    Black Hat
    In class it can be really challengin when people don't co-operate when you really need them to. An example is when we were doing our travel projects, I asked someone for their help and they didn't even accept the fact that I needed help. It makes it even harder when people are picking teams to play for sport at lunch and majority of the time you are left to last and it can make me feel really left out and neglected.
  • Green Hat

    Green Hat
    Being creative is a really hard way to think about people's behaviour. I guess that if you really had to be creative with peoples behaviour it would possibly be along the lines of people being creative with each other, trying to hang out with different people, working with different poeple and if given a partner by the teacher not complaining that they are the opposite gender to you that people will start making rumors about you and saying that you like them.
  • Blue Hat

    Blue Hat
    In certain subjects like maths groups like we had on today i found that people weren't as badly behaved as when we are in the libary were there is alot more of a space, twice the amount of people (because of the two grades) and only the two teachers and the libarians who sit at the desk scanning books and once or twice getting up to put a book away.
  • Final reflection

    Final reflection
    Over all people's behaviour have been on and off. Some people are never going to get into trouble, so they don't have to worry about anything, but then there's the people that get in trouble or get there names mentioned alot for bad things and might really have to lokk at how they are behaving and start changing a few things.