Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


    During my industry research I used RAJAR (Radio joint audience research.) An online tool that allows you to look up audience figures and statistics about media outlets.
  • Survey Monkey

    Survey Monkey
    I created a Survey Monkey account and made a survey asking various questions which helped to include things in my script that would appeal to my target audience.
  • Audacity

    When recoding the clips for my Radio broadcast, I used Audacity as it seemed like the most reliable programme. I begun with no experience however learned quickly a lot of useful skills on it such as editing as well as recording.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro

    Adobe Premiere Pro
    When editing all my clips and actually putting my broadcast together, I used Adobe Premiere Pro. Again I begun with no experience and learnt how to add effects, add music, clip audio and piece it together.