project management recap

By JackG
  • project management recap last

    project management recap last
    White hat- Last lesson I wrote about my 1st agenda and minutes with the meeting with Jetinder.
    Red- Last lesson I felt that I had really discussed my agenda in good detail.
    Yellow- One benefit of last lesson was that we had finally started work towards assignment 2.
    Green- My agenda had good ideas which clearly discussed what was important in the project, this included work on designs with mood board ect.
    Blue- I had planned what to speak about next meeting.
    Black The lesson stressed me out.
  • Project management today lesson

    Project management today lesson
    White hat-Today I started assignment 2 and discussed the risks in my project.
    Red-I think today I described some risks in detailed explanations.
    Yellow-A benefit to what I did today would be that it teaches me the risks that could happen in any important project.
    Green-My ideas and solutions where good because I think I have been creative with them.
    Blue-I have planned for the next task on the assignment which is a feasibility study
    Black-Today ive found that projects can be hard due to risks