Project 1 Annotated Bib

  • Caffeine-induced headache in children and adolescents

    The effects of caffeine conusmption in younger children's health. Hering-Hanit, R., and N. Gadoth."Caffeine-induced headache in children and adolescents", Cephalalgia (Wiley-Blackwell), 23(5), 332-335. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Web.
  • Association of ambulatory blood pressure and dietary caffeine in adolescents

    Impact of caffeine use and childrens blood pressure. Margaret R. Savocaa, , , M. Lynne MacKeya, Conner D. Evansa, Martha Wilsona, David A. Ludwiga, Gregory A. Harshfielda,"American Journal of Hypertension." Vol. 18.(2004) 116-20. Print.vol. 1.
  • Health aspects of caffeine:benefits and risks

    Wieghs the positive and negative effects of caffeine on the body. Carrie Ruxton."Health aspects of caffeine: benefits and risks." Nursing Standard. 24, 9,September 15 2009,41-48 Print
  • Adolescent substance use, sleep, and academic achievement: Evidence of harm due to caffeine

    Jack E. Jamesa, b,Álfgeir, Logi Kristjánssonb, Inga Dóra Sigfúsdóttirb."Journal of Adolescence",Adolescent substance abuse: Evidence of harm due to caffeine.Volume 34, Issue 4, August 2011, Pages 665–673
  • Adolescent Caffeine Consumption and Self-Reported Violence and Conduct Disorder

    Behavior involved with younger adults and the effects of caffeine. Alfgeir L. Kristjansson • Inga Dora Sigfusdottir Stephanie S. Frost Jack E. James. "Adolescent caffeine consumption and self reported violence and conduct disorder", Springer Science+Business Media New York /Published online: 29 January 2013
  • Insufficient Sleep in Adolescents and Young Adults: An Update on Causes and Consequences

    How caffeine is involved with effecting young adults and adolescents
    Judith Owens,"Insuficient sleep in Adolescents and young adults",Pediatrics Vol. 134 No. 3 (2014) pp. e921-32..