President Nixon and Vietnam

  • Compulsory Draft Implemented

    The first reason was that it would have been a virtual admission of defeat for America at a time when U.S status as a superpower was seen as a critical deterrent to communist aggression around the world. Nixon administration felt that to be beaten in tiny internationally insignificant Vietnam would invite greater troubles elsewhere. The impact helped U.S.A win.
  • Vietnamization

    Nixon compromise solution to withdraw U.S. troops gradually from Vietnam while simultaneously bolstering South Vietnamese forces with money, weapons, training, and advisors. The hope was that South Vietnam could eventuallly hold its own against the communist North Vietnamese and the Vietcong. It supported the war by them having to fight thier own war without the support of large numbers of U.S. ground troops.
  • Withdrawal of troops begins

    It shifted how the U.S. supported small countries.
  • silent Majority speech

    all the suporters of him. they were "silent" because they werent protesting
  • Mylai Massacre

    It turned many americans against the war, people no long saw the soilders a heros but as murders.
  • Christmas Bombing

    Because North vietnam crossed into defenses area with force
  • 26th Amendment

    Made plans for retaliatory bombings the change of the 14th amendment to give the right for citizens to vote.