070119 lbj vmed 2p.grid 4x2

President Johson and Vietnam

  • Stay the course

    Stay the course
    President Johnson means that they are going to keep the way things are. The reason he decided to keep it like this was that he still believed the war could be won. He had hope that the troops would be victorious. This was the opposite Kennedy wanted.
  • Period: to

    Johnson presidency

  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Tonkian Gulf incidents, possible attemps to attack US carriers But no bombers were found. As an effect congress gave johnson control of the resources that will be used in Vietnam
  • Period: to

    Increase of troops

    Public dissatisfaction due to increase of troops in Vietnam.By 1966 there was 385,000 troops in foreign territory. Congress started a debate about the neccesity of troops in Vietnam
  • tet offensive

    tet offensive
    the troops were discouraged due to the large number of casualties. President Johnson declared that he was limiting the bombing in North Vietnam and widthdrawing troops. It shocked the american public and further avoided support for the war effort.
  • No re-election

    No re-election
    Johson decided to not run for election again due to the embarrastment of not being able to bring the war to an end. He lost credability and support. U.S. military involvement in Vietnam continued for four years after he left office in January 1969.