President John and Vietnam

  • Johnson becomes President after Kennedy is assassinated

    President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, while riding in the presidential motorcade, Johnson was sworn in as President.
  • Stay The Course

    In 1963, LBJ had announced to America will "stay the course" which mean America will keep mobing toward to a goal. As reversed Kenedy's order, Johnson decided to keep troops in Vietnam to begin withdrawing American military "advisors" in Vietnam,
  • Period: to

    President Johnson and Vietnam

    Johnson's policy of reconstruction required America to make a serious effort to stop all Communist expansion because he believed in the Domino Theory
  • Allows covert operations against North Vietnam

    Johnson further expanded America's presence in Vietnam by signing secret National Security Council "findings" permitting U.S. covert operations against North Vietnam.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    North Vietnamese attacks on U.S. Navy vessels in Gulf of Tonkin, and considered as an act of war. On August 7, 1964, Congress signed the Gulf to Tonkin Resolusion.
  • Increase in American troop involvement 1965-1966

    The consequences of america when increasing number of troops is that public dissatisfaction with U,S, policy became apparent. Americans began participating in growing number of anti-war demonstrations, picket lines, and teach-in. Also, the consequences of Vietnam is that 4 million innocent people had been killed.
  • Tet Offensive

    Militarily outmatched, the North Vietnamese siege at Khesanh and the National Liberation Front's "Tet Offensive" proved that the U.S. remained far from victory.
  • Johnson announces he will not seek re-election

    On March 31, 1968, Johnson announced to America that he would not accept nomination or election for another term in office because of the criticism over his failure to bring successful end to the Vietnam War weighed heavily on him.