
  • Fertilazation

    Fertilization occurs when the egg is fertilized or maturly grown in the womb and is fertilized by a sperm cell of a male through intercourse.
  • Week 3 of Pregnancy

    Week 3 of Pregnancy
    In the third week of pregnancy your baby is in the making. At this Point it is a tiny ball consisting hundreds of cells
  • Week 4 of Pregnancy

    Week 4 of Pregnancy
    This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period. From now and 10 weeks all of your baby's organs will begin to develope and some will even begin to function
  • Week 5 of pregnancy

    Week 5 of pregnancy
    In your urterus your embryo is growing fast. At this point in time the fetus is the size of a sesame seed. This is where the neural tube to the baby's brain is developing.
  • Week 6 of pregnancy

    Week 6 of pregnancy
    During this week of pregnancy the nose, mouth, and ears begin to develope. There babys heart beat is beating about 100-160 beats per minute.
  • Week 7 of pregnancy

    Week 7 of pregnancy
    In this week hands and feet begin to develope.
  • Week 8 of Pregnancy

    Week 8 of Pregnancy
    In this week, webbed hands and feet are beginning to srout from your baby.
  • Week 9 of Pregnancy

    Week 9 of Pregnancy
    In this week your baby is now an inch long, and about the size of a grape.
  • Week 10 of pregnancy

    Week 10 of pregnancy
    In this week your baby is a little over an inch long and weights about a quarter of an ounce. The fetus is now swallowing fluid.
  • Week 11 of pregnancy

    Week 11 of pregnancy
    During week 11 your baby is an inch and a half long and is about the size of a fig. The baby is already starting to kick and scratch and begining to move.
  • Week 12 of Pregnancy

    Week 12 of Pregnancy
    In this week your babys hands begin to open and close, and can curl its toes.
  • Week 13 of pregnancy

    Week 13 of pregnancy
    During this week the babys veins and organs and all there. Also the baby will start to grow thin fine hair.
  • Week 14 of Pregnancy

    Week 14 of Pregnancy
    During this week your baby can now squint, frown, and use its thumbs!
  • Week 15 of Pregnancy

    Week 15 of Pregnancy
    In this week, your baby is now 4 inches long and weighs about 2 1/2 ounces.
  • Week 16 of Pregnancy

    Week 16 of Pregnancy
    In this week your baby will hit a growth spirt and will double in size. The patterning of the scalp will start to develope.
  • Week 17 of Pregnancy

    Week 17 of Pregnancy
    In this week your babys skeleton is changinf from soft cartilage to bone.
  • Week 18 of Pregnancy

    Week 18 of Pregnancy
    In this week your baby is now 51/2 inches long! The baby will weight about 7 ounces and will be the size of a bell pepper. It can now flex its arms and legs.
  • Week 19 of Pregnancy

    Week 19 of Pregnancy
    In this week your babys sensory development is going crazy! The baby can now smell, taste, hear, see, and touch.
  • Week 20 of Pregnancy

    Week 20 of Pregnancy
    During this week your baby weighs 10 1/2 ounces and is about 9 1/2 inches long. The baby is swallowing a lot more now and has a good digestive system.
  • Week 21 of Pregnancy

    Week 21 of Pregnancy
    This is the week to find out the gender of your baby!
  • Week 22 of Pregnancy

    Week 22 of Pregnancy
    At this point and time your baby is now 11 inches and one pound. Your baby is now starting to look like a newborn.
  • Week 23 of Pregnancy

    Week 23 of Pregnancy
    At this week your baby can really feel any type of movement you make.
  • Week 24 of Pregnancy

    Week 24 of Pregnancy
    Your baby is now 1 1/3 pounds, Congrats! Your babys brain is now growing at a rapid pace
  • Week 25 of Pregnancy

    Week 25 of Pregnancy
    In this week your baby is about 13 1/2 inches long and weighs about 1 1/2 pounds. Your baby is now gaining baby fat!
  • Week 26 of Pregnancy

    Week 26 of Pregnancy
    In this week the nerves in your babys ears is developing further and are more sensitive to noise.
  • Week 27 of Pregnancy

    Week 27 of Pregnancy
    In this week your baby is 14 1/2 inches and 2 pounds. Your baby is now the size of a head of cauliflower. In this week your baby will have their legs extended. Although your babys lungs are not developed.
  • Week 28 of Pregnancy

    Week 28 of Pregnancy
    Your baby can now blink its eyes and has better eye sight.
  • Week 29 of Pregnancy

    Week 29 of Pregnancy
    Your babys lungs are still developing. from this week on you need PLENTY of vitamin C, Folic Acid, and Iron!
  • Week 30 of Pregnancy

    Week 30 of Pregnancy
    In this week about a pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds your child. Your baby can only make out object a few inches away from its face.
  • Week 31 of Pregnancy

    Week 31 of Pregnancy
    In this week your baby is moving around A LOT because it is goring through a growth spurt.
  • Week 32 of Pregnancy

    Week 32 of Pregnancy
    Your baby is now a wopping 3 3/4 pounds! Your baby noow has toenails and fingernails.
  • Week 33 of Pregnancy

    Week 33 of Pregnancy
    Your baby is now a little over 4 pounds and is the size of a Pineapple. The bones in your babys skull are not developed together quite yet.
  • Week 34 of Pregnancy

    Week 34 of Pregnancy
    Your baby now weighs 4 and 3/4 of pounds and is now the size of a cantaloupe. Your babys skin is now smoother than ever!
  • Week 35 of Pregnancy

    Week 35 of Pregnancy
    Your baby is now over 18 inches long and 5 1/4 pounds! Your babys kidneys are fully developed!
  • Week 36 of Pregnancy

    Week 36 of Pregnancy
    Your baby is now 6 pounds and 18 1/2 inches long. Your babys lungs are developed.
  • Week 37 of Pregnancy

    Week 37 of Pregnancy
    In this week you will begin to feel very uncomfortable because your baby is moving downward for delivery
  • Week 38 of Pregnancy

    Week 38 of Pregnancy
    Weighing at 6.8 pounds and 19 1/2 inches long your baby has really plumped up.He organs are completely matured and is ready for delivery.
  • Week 39 of Pegnancy

    Week 39 of Pegnancy
    Congradulations you did it! Your baby weighs at 7 pounds and 20 inches long!