
Taylor's Fetal Development Project

  • Last Day of the Menstrual Cycle

    Last Day of the Menstrual Cycle
    This is important because this marks the beginning of the justational period. Also, the lining in the uterus is done shedding.
  • Period: to

    40 Weeks

    The time span of the pregnancy.
  • Period: to

    Weight and Length in Month 1

    Within this month, the baby goes from about the size of the tip of a pen to almost 1/4 of an inch, weighing almost Also, if you took a pregnancy test, it would be positive at around week 4.
  • Period: to

    First Trimester

    In the first trimester, changes in the mother include missing her period, morning sickness, nausea, frequent urination, increase of blood levels of progesterone, cravings, breasts swell, fatigue, and dizziness.
  • Period: to

    The Proliferative Phase

    This is when the rebuilding of the endometrium occurs.
  • Ovulation

    The egg is released from one of the ovaries.
  • Fertilization

    The union of a haploid gamete and a diploid zygote (sperm and egg).
  • Zygote Travels through the Fallopean Tube

    Zygote Travels through the Fallopean Tube
    Dividing cells as it goes, the zygote will soon transfrom into a morula.
  • Period: to

    Zygote Transforms into a Morula

    Within this two day period, the zygote multiplies cells. When it reaches about 14-16 cells big, that's when it becomes the morula.
  • Period: to

    Morula Becomes a Blastocyst

    When the cell count in the morula reaches approxomately 64-66, it is now called a blastocyst.
  • Blastocyst Implants in the Uterus

    Blastocyst Implants in the Uterus
    Once it's implanted, the blastocyst is now an embryo. This is the beginning of the embryonic period as well. Also, the placenta begins to form at this time. The placenta is important because it provides the embryo with nutrients, gets rid of waste, and exchanges respiratory gases.
  • Organs Begin to Develop

    Organs Begin to Develop
    Brain, spinal chord, heart, muscles, back bone, ribs, and digestive track start to form at this early stage in the embryonic period.
  • Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm

    Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm
    The Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm are developing. The ectoderm will give rise to the outermost layer of skin, central and peripheral nervous systems, eyes, inner ear, and many connective tissue. The mesoderm is the middle layer that will also serve as the foundation for your baby's bones, muscles, kidneys and much of the reproductive system. The endoderm will become a simple tube lined with mucous membranes. The lungs, intestines and bladder will develop here.
  • Period: to

    Length and Weight in Month 2

    The baby is 1/2-3/4 of an inch long and weighs almost 2 grams.
  • Developing Features in Week 5

    Developing Features in Week 5
    The brain develops further, face, eye lids, and arms start to form at around this time.
  • Week 6 Development

    Week 6 Development
    Arms and legs are longer, fingers and ears are taking shape, eyes become visable, the upper lip and nose are done forming, and the body is beginning to straighten out.
  • Development in Week 7

    Development in Week 7
    Bones begin to develop, elbows bend, toes take shape, and eyelids and ears keep making progress in development, can usually hear a heartbeat by the end of this week, and the liver is forming.
  • Period: to

    Length and Weight in Month 3

    The baby now is around 2.13 inches and weighs approximately half an ounce.
  • Period: to

    Second Trimester

    Changes in the mother include oily skin, stretch marks, darkening of skin, mood swings, larger breasts, Braxton Hick contractions, quickening, nasal/gum problems, leg cramps, vaginal discharge, varicose veins, rapid weight gain, heart burn, hemmroids, back aches, frequent urination, and hair growth.
  • Smell and Taste

    Smell and Taste
    The baby has started drinking and peeing amniotic fluid. That fluid also can travel through the nose and give off a scent that's fimiliar. After birth, this process is what familiarizes the amniotic fluid and draws the baby to the mother's breasts to feed.
  • Period: to

    Size of Baby at Month 4

    The baby is now about 4.6 inches long and weighs around 3.5 ounces.
  • Gender of the Baby

    Gender of the Baby
    The gender of the baby with the newer technology can be found around this time (approxomately 12-14 weeks). The sex is usually found with an ultrasound machine. An ultrasound uses different vibrations or sound to capture what the baby looks like.
  • Lanugo and Vernix

    Lanugo and Vernix
    By now the lanugo and vernix coat the skin. Lanugo is fine hair covering the body that holds the vernix to the skin. The vernix is a white, pasty like coating that consists of fatty secreations from the sebaceous glands and dead epidermal cells.
  • Baby at This Point

    Baby at This Point
    The baby starts accumulating lots of fat and is beginning to grow very quickly. Also, it begins practicing some surviving skills such as swallowing, grasping, and kicking.
  • Baby's Last Major Reflex

    Baby's Last Major Reflex
    Baby starts sucking its thumb around this time.
  • Period: to

    Length and Weight in Month 5

    The baby is about 6.5 inches long from head to rump and weighs almost 11 ounces. From head to heel, the baby is about 10 inches.
  • Baby's Senses

    Baby's Senses
    The baby can detect a mumbled version of your voice at around this time. It may shift or kick a little in response.
  • Sense of Touch

    Sense of Touch
    The sense of touch has been developing, however the baby never really is alert about touching anything until about month five. It will explore the mom's uterus, the umbilical chord, and stroking its face.
  • Period: to

    Length and Weight at Month 6

    Going from head to heel, the baby is now 11.8 inches long and weighs 1.32 pounds.
  • Period: to

    Third Trimester

    The shape of the abdomen is really round and enlarged, she can feel the baby move every couple of hours, fatigue is common, heartburn, shortness of breath, leg cramps, and ligment pain.
  • Premature Birth

    Premature Birth
    This is the earliest the baby can be born without dying. Of course medical assistance will be needed, but the baby will survive.
  • Period: to

    Weight and Length in Month 7

    The baby is now 14.8 inches and weighs 2.22 pounds.
  • Sight

    The baby's eyes have been fused shut until now. The baby can see some light shine through the mother's belly, but it's still very dark and is the most sensitive sense after birth because of lack of practice.
  • Lungs Fully Developed

    Lungs Fully Developed
    The baby's lungs have been developing for quite some time now, but are fully ready for when it's finally born!
  • Period: to

    Length and Weight in Month 8

    The baby is 18.66 inches long and weighs 5.78 pounds.
  • Period: to

    Weight and Length in Month 9

    The baby is about 20.16 inches and weighs around 8 pounds.
  • Labor

    There are three phases of labor; early, active, and transisitonal. The first phase (early) is preparing the mother's body to give birth. She begins having contractions opening about 0-4 cm for 10-20 minutes lasting 30-60 seconds. The second phase (active) is when the mother actually has the baby. Contractions are about 4-8 cm for 4-5 minutes lasting 60-90 seconds. The last phase (transitional) is when the placenta falls out. Contractions are about 7-10 cm for 1-3 minutes for about 90-120 seconds
  • Newborn Baby

    Newborn Baby
    The baby is born on this day if everything runs smoothly! As expected! Everything is fully developed and should be good to go.