Luis Vela - The Big Mistake

  • Last Day of Menstrual Cycle

    Last Day of Menstrual Cycle
    The last day of the menstrual cycle means that the lining of the uterus is being shed and doctors use that day in order to resemble the beginning of the gestational period.
  • Period: to

    40 Week Period

  • Beginning of Proliferative Phase

    The beginning of the proliferative phase marks the first day of rebuilding the linning of the uterus.
  • Period: to

    Proliferative Phase

    During the proliferative state estrogen rebuilds the lining of the uterus.
  • End of Proliferative Phase

    The last day of the proliferative phase means that the uterus is rebuilt. The proliferative phase is ended by ovulation.
  • Ovulation Begins

    Ovulation Begins
    When Ovulation begins an egg is released from the ovary. The egg is now ready to be fertilized. Ovulation lasts between 24-48 hours.
  • Fertilization

    The egg is fertilized by the sperm in the fallopian tube and immediately turns into a zygote
  • Period: to

    1st Trimester

    This is the period of the 1st trimester when everything is beginning to develop.
  • Implantation

    The zygote implants itself into the uterus.
  • Zygote turns into Morula

    Zygote turns into Morula
    The Zygote is a single cell and divides into a Morula. This process can occur 2-3 days from fertilization.
  • Morula turns into a Balstocyct

    Morula turns into a Balstocyct
    The Morula then divides into a Balstocycts and occurs 2-3 days after the Zygote turns into a Morula.
  • Placenta Forms

    Placenta Forms
    The placenta's purpose is to provide the fetus with nourishment, eliminate its wastes and exchange respiratory gases.
  • Brain, Spinal Chord, Heart, Muscles and back bone begin to form.

    Brain, Spinal Chord, Heart, Muscles and back bone begin to form.
    The neural tube begins to form which will develop into the spinal chord and the back bone will begin to form. Also the brain and heart begin to form. The baby's muscles also begin to form.
  • End of Month 1

    End of Month 1
    Baby is approximately 2mm long.
  • Face begins to develop.

    Face begins to develop.
    The face starts taking on its features.
  • Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm begin to develop.

    Ectoderm, Mesoderm, and Endoderm begin to develop.
    The ectoderm gives rise to the baby's outermost layer of skin, central and peripheral nervous systems and many connective tissues. The mesoderm serves as the foundation for the baby's bones, muscles, kidneys, and much of the reproductive system. It also produces most the organ systems, including the skeletal and muscular system. The endoderm becomes a simple tube lined with mucous membranes, The baby's lungs, intestines and bladder develop here. It develops into the innermost tissues and organs.
  • Arms & Legs begin to develop.

    Arms & Legs begin to develop.
    Arm buds and Leg buds begin to develop
  • Finger & Toes begin to develop

    Finger & Toes begin to develop
    Finger and toes begin to develop but will be webbed for a while
  • Digestive track and ribs begins to form

    Digestive track and ribs begins to form
    The baby's digestive system begans to form starting with the digestive track. Also the ribs are beginning to form in order to protect all the major internal organs.
  • End of Month 2

    End of Month 2
    Baby is approximately 1/2 inch-3/4 inch long and weighs about 1-2 grams.
  • Major Internal Organs begin to develop

    Major Internal Organs begin to develop
    Major essential of the organs for the baby begin to develop.
  • End of Month 3

    End of Month 3
    Baby is approximately 3-4 inches long and weighs about 1 ounce.
  • Lanugo and vernix begin to develop.

    Lanugo and vernix begin to develop.
    The vernix which protects the body begins to develop. Also the lanugo (hair that covers the body) begins to develop
  • Period: to

    2nd Trimester

    Period of the 2nd Trimester where everything is coming to the end stages of developing.
  • Baby starts major reflexes

    Baby starts major reflexes
    The baby starts grasping, sucking, swallowing, kicking, etc. Baby can even do summersaults.
  • End of Month 4

    End of Month 4
    Baby is approximately 5-6 inches long and weighs about 5-8 ounces.
  • Baby develops senses.

    Baby develops senses.
    Baby's develops all senses (touch, hearing, sight, taste, etc.)
  • The sex of the baby can now be determined.

    The sex of the baby can now be determined.
    The sex of the baby can now be determined by a sonogram of the mother's womb which is a medical image of the baby.
  • End of Month 5

    End of Month 5
    Baby is approximately 7-8 inches long and weighs 3/4-1 lb.
  • Period: to

    3rd Trimester

    Period of the 3rd trimester where everything is developed.
  • Period: to

    Period of fat accumulation with rapid weight gain and growth.

    During the third trimester fat accumulation increases dramatically. The mom starts to gain weight faster then ever and requires 300 more calories than usual in order to substain the baby. The closer to the due date the bigger she is. The reason she is weighing more is because she is eating more and because of swelling of areas all over the body.
  • Lungs begin to develop.

    Lungs begin to develop.
    Lungs begin to develop in order for the baby to breath on its own.
  • Baby can be born prematurely

    Baby can be born prematurely
    This is the earliest the baby can be born and survive.
  • End of Month 6

    End of Month 6
    Baby is approximately 9-10 inches long and weighs 1 1/2-2 1/4 lbs.
  • End of Month 7

    End of Month 7
    Baby is approximately 11 inches and weighs around 3-3 1/2 lbs.
  • End of Month 8

    End of Month 8
    Baby is approximately 13 inches and weights around 5-6 lbs.
  • Due Date & Newborn baby.

    Due Date & Newborn baby.
    The due date is when the mom is figured to give labor/have the baby. The due date also marks the last day of the gestational period.
    Baby's typical weight is 7-8 lbs. and is 19-21 inches in length.
  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stages of labor.

    1st, 2nd, and 3rd stages of labor.
    The first stage of labor begins with contractions and ends when cervix is fully dilated. The second stage of labor begins when mom is fully dilated and ends with the birth of the baby. The third stage begins after the birth and ends with the delivery of the placenta.