Stages of fetal growth pictures small

Katy Miser Fetal Development

  • Date of last menstrual cycle

    Date of last menstrual cycle
    This is the last day of period
  • Period: to


    The time of last period to birth
  • Proliferative Phase

    Proliferative Phase
    the phase of the menstrual cycle after menstruation. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone from the pituitary, the ovary produces increasing amounts of estrogen, causing the lining of the uterus to become dense and richly vascular. The phase is terminated by rupture of a mature follicle and subsequent ovulation
  • Start of Ovulation

    Start of Ovulation
    Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovary, pushed down the fallopian tube, and is available to be fertilized. The lining of the uterus has thickened to prepare for a fertilized egg. If no conception occurs, the uterine lining as well as blood will be shed.
  • Beginning of first trimester

    Beginning of first trimester
    Week 1-12
  • Typically the last day of ovulation

    Typically the last day of ovulation
    end of ovulation
  • Fertilization

    Fertilization is a process in sexual reproduction that involves the union of male (sperm) and female (ovum) gametes (each with a single, haploid set of chromosomes) to produce a diploid zygote.
  • Zygote formation

    Zygote formation
    The Zygote is the first cell of the embryo it undergoes only an incomplete cell cycle.
  • Formation of Morula

    Formation of Morula
    Morula is the process where the zygote begins to divide and multiply into many cells.
  • Formation of blastocyct

    Formation of blastocyct
    A blastocyct is an embryo that has advanced to the five or 6-day stage; which means the embryo has divided many more times into many more cells over this period. Most of the blastocyst contains a fluid cavity and it is possible to see the cells which will become the baby and those which will make up the placenta
  • Implantation Happens

    Implantation Happens
    implantation is the very early stage of pregnancy at which the embryo adheres to the wall of the uterus.[1] At this stage of prenatal development, the embryo is a blastocyst. It is by this adhesion that the fetus receives oxygen and nutrients from the mother to be able to grow.
  • Week 5 Embryonic Stage Begins

    Week 5 Embryonic Stage Begins
    •The amniotic fluid is being built up.
    •The embryo grows from a tiny speck about 2mm - the size of a pin head.
    •By the end of the week the embryo will have more than doubled in size to about 4-5mm.
    •The egg has now completely grown into the mucous membrane of the uterus which covers the egg, the umbilical sac and the amniotic fluid cavity.
    •A fibrin clot closes the hole to the uterus cavity.
    •The placenta is developing.
    •The embryo starts receiving oxygen and nutrition through the placenta.
  • Development of Germ Layers

    Development of Germ Layers
    Three principal laminae, known as the primary germ layers, develop from the inner cell mass by about two weeks after fertilization. The outermost, middle, and innermost layers are the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. ectoderm differentiates to form the nervous system, Mesoderm circulatory systems develops, The endoderm developes into the epithelial linings fo the digestive tracts
  • Week Six

    Week Six
    •The embryo has reached a size of about 8 mm (1/4 inch) in length.
    •The spinal cord, which until now has been open, is beginning to close.
    •The first blood cells and blood vessels are developing.
    •Blood moves through these primitive vessels connected to the yolk sac.
    •A pipe-shaped heart is formed and begins to beat.
    •The brain begins to divide into 5 parts.
    •Optic pits form the start of the developing eye.
    •The cells destined to be the arms and legs are in place.
  • Week 7

    Week 7
    •The embryo is around 13 mm (1/2 inch) in length.
    •The heart is beating with one chamber.
    •A dividing wall is formed in the heart.
    •Arm and leg buds begin to grow.
    •The lower jaw and the vocal cords are beginning to form.
    •The mouth opening is formed.
    •The inner ear is being created.
    •The digestive tract is developing
    •The navel string is being created
    •The following organs are being formed: the lungs, the liver, the pancreas and the thyroid gland.
  • Week 8 Sense of Touch

    Week 8 Sense of Touch
    Just before the eighth week of gestation, an embryo develops its first sensitivity to touch.
  • Week 8

    Week 8
    •The embryo is measures about 18 mm (3/4 inch) in length.
    •Their arms and legs are growing and location of the elbows and toes are visible..
    •The feet and hand buds have appeared.
    •Starts to practice moving (not felt by mom till week 20)
    •The stomach is being made from part of the gut.
    • The face is beginning to take shape.
    •Your baby's mouth and nostrils are starting to develop.
    •Teeth begin to develop under the gums.
    •The eyes can now be seen as small hollows on each side of the head.
  • End of first trimester

    Weeks 1-12
  • Week 13 Sense of Smell

    Week 13 Sense of Smell
    A fetus's nose develops between 11 and 15 weeks. Until recently, scientists didn't believe that fetuses would have any sense of smell, since it was assumed that smelling depended on air and breathing. However, the latest research has opened up a new world of possibilities.
  • Beginning of second trimester

    Beginning of second trimester
    Weeks 13-27
  • Week 13

    Week 13
    •The fetus has grown to about 3 inches (8cm) long.
    •Weight approximately 1 ounce (25 grams).
    •Bone is beginning to replace cartilage and the ribs are appearing.
    •The nose and chin are well defined.
    •Movements can be measured.
    •The child will begin to learn to suck its thumb.
    •The child can open and close its mouth.
    •The external genitalia are almost defined, it may be possible to tell if baby is a boy or girl.
    your baby can move in a jerky fashion, flexing the arms and kicking the legs.
  • Week 14 Sense of Taste

    Week 14 Sense of Taste
    By 13 to 15 weeks a fetus's taste buds already look like a mature adult's, and the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus can smell strongly of curry, cumin, garlic, onion, or other strong tastes from a mother's diet. Studies show that a fetus's swallowing increases when surrounded by sweet tastes and decreases with bitter and sour tastes.
  • Week 17

    Week 17
    •Fetus weight is just over 5 ounces (150g)
    They recycle the amniotic fluid by swallowing up to a litre a day. Meconium (composed of products of cell loss, digestive secretion and swallowed amniotic fluid), is accumulating in the bowel. Fat stores begin to develop under your baby's skin this week. The fat will provide energy and help keep your baby warm after birth.
  • Week 19

    Week 19
    At 138 days, you're approximately 19 to 20 weeks. The gender can usually be determined by ultrasound if your baby cooperates. Your baby needs to be sitting in slighty indiscrete positions to catch a tell-tale sign of male or female gender.
  • Development of lanugo and vernix

    Development of lanugo and vernix
    The vernix will cover your baby's skin for the rest of your pregnancy and will begin to disappear just before birth. Lanugo is a fine, downy layer of hair that covers your baby's body while he or she is in the womb. It helps to hold the vernix in place to ensure your baby's delicate skin doesn't become chapped by the long immersion in amniotic fluid. It first appears at about five months and for the most part falls off just before birth
  • End of Second Trimester

    Week 13-27
  • Beginning of third trimester

    Beginning of third trimester
    week 28-labor
  • Premature Baby

    Premature Baby
    84% of premature babies are born between 32-36 weeks' gestation
  • Second stage of labor

    Second stage of labor
    The second stage of labor begins when you're fully dilated and ends with the birth of your baby. This is sometimes referred to as the "pushing" stage. The entire second stage can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Without an epidural, the average duration is close to an hour for a first-timer and about 20 minutes if you've had a previous vaginal delivery. If you've had an epidural, the second stage generally lasts longer.
  • Third stage of labor

    Third stage of labor
    The third stage begins right after the birth of your baby and ends with the delivery of the placenta. Minutes after giving birth, your uterus begins to contract again. The first few contractions usually separate the placenta from your uterine wall. When your caregiver sees signs of separation, she may ask you to gently push to help expel the placenta. This is usually one short push that's not at all difficult or painful. the third stage of labor takes about five to ten minutes
  • New Born Baby

    New Born Baby
    Yay! the baby is born (:
  • First stage of labor

    First stage of labor
    The first stage begins when you start having contractions that cause progressive changes in your cervix and ends when your cervix is fully dilated. This stage is divided into two phases:
    Early labor: Your cervix gradually effaces (thins out) and dilates (opens).
    Active labor: Your cervix begins to dilate more rapidly, and contractions are longer, stronger, and closer together. People often refer to the last part of active labor as transition.