pregnant women1

Pregnancy timeline by Kelsea

  • Day of last period

    Day of last period
    Day of last period
  • Period: to


  • Proliferative phase

    Proliferative phase
    Proliferative phase: a phase of possibly 13 days in which the endomysium begins to rebuild.
  • Period: to

    1st trimester

    Your baby’s development begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg in one of your fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg then travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. In the uterus, the egg quickly divides into cells that become embryo –the prefetal product – and cells that act as an outer group to nourish and protect the embryo.
  • Ovulation begins

    Ovulation begins
    Ovulation: an egg is released from the ovarian follicle.
  • Fertilization

    Union of the sperm into the ovum. Occurs during week 3
  • Cell changes to zygote

    Cell changes to zygote
    Zygote: this usually occurs a day after fertilization, and this begins dividing into two pieces
  • From zygote to morula

    From zygote to morula
    The zygote changes into a morula. By the time the morula exists, it has made it from the uterine tube to the uterus. The cells within the morula continue to divide and they rearrange themselves from a solid ball of 16 cells to a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst.
  • Morula changes into blastocyct

    Morula changes into blastocyct
    During the next 48 hours, the morula will become a blastocyst a hollow oval with about 100 cells divided into two different types. Cells that will form the placenta make up the outer layer of the blastocyst. Nestled inside is a small inner cell mass with about 50 cells. These 50 cells will give rise to the millions of specialized cells, tissues and organs it takes to make a newborn baby.
  • Implantation

    the blastocyst attaches to the lining of the uterus, usually near the top. This process, called implantation, is completed by day 9 or 10. Week 4 baby is about the size of the tip of a pen
  • Placenta formation

    Placenta formation
    The placenta is an organ that connects the developing fetus to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply. The placenta also helps with hormones to help maintain the pregnancy.
  • Fetal development

    Fetal development
    Ectoderm-generates the outer layer of the embryo, and it forms from the embryo's epiblast.The ectoderm develops into the surface ectoderm, neural crest, and the neural tube. Mesoderm-this begins the development of the kindneys, gonads,cartiliage, skeletal muscle and dermis, development of the circulatory system. Endoderm-develops into the surface ectoderm, neural crest, and the neural tube.
  • Organ development

    Organ development
    Organ formation begins about 3 weeks after fertilization, when the embryo elongates, first suggesting a human shape. Shortly thereafter, the area that will become the brain and spinal cord (neural tube) begins to develop. The heart and major blood vessels begin to develop by about day 16 or 17.
  • Organ development continued

    Organ development continued
    The heart begins to pump fluid through blood vessels by day 20, and the first red blood cells appear the next day. Blood vessels continue to develop in the embryo and placenta.
  • Outer body development

    Outer body development
    During week 6 & 7 the development of the face, brain, arms, legs, finers, toes, and some other major organs
  • weeks 8 & 9

    weeks 8 & 9
    Brainwave activity starts.The body is beginning to straighten, and subtle movements begin. Length: about 1∕2 inch. By week 9 Fingers and toes are no longer webbed. The arms develop bones, and the hands begin to touch the face. The legs start to move. Length: about 3∕4 inch.
  • Fetus size at 2 months

    Fetus size at 2 months
    the size of the baby at 2 months is approximately: 1inch long. and weighs about .05oz
  • Development of senses

    Development of senses
    during week 11:Nearly all the organs and body structures are formed and beginning to function. Genitals begin to take on either male or female form. The head makes up about half of the fetus’s body. Length: about 2 inches. Fetus fact: The fetus can sigh, stretch, move its head and suck its thumb.
  • Development of lanugo

    Development of lanugo
    by week 14 The head is covered by a fine, soft hair called lanugo. Length: about 5 inches; weight: about 2 ounces. Fetus fact: Starting now, female fetuses show mouth movements much more often than males.
  • Changes in size at 3 months

    Changes in size at 3 months
    during the 3rd month of pregnancy the fetus is about 2 inches long and weighs about .5oz
  • Growing fetus

    Growing fetus
    vocal cords form. kidneys make urine and the bone marrow begins to create white blood cells
  • Period: to

    2nd trimester

    Fourteen weeks into your pregnancy, your baby’s arms are fully developed and more red blood cells form in various organs. Also at this point – or in the near future – your baby’s genitalia will be developed and apparent, so much so that you will be able to find out the sex of your baby!
  • 15 weeks of fetal development

    15 weeks of fetal development
    tiny muscles and organs begin to make movements and work together to kick and move
  • changes in fetus size at 4 months

    changes in fetus size at 4 months
    the length of the fetus is about 4.5 inches long and weighs about 3.5oz.
  • changes in fetal size at 5 months

    changes in fetal size at 5 months
    at 5 months the fetus is about 10.5 incehs long and weighs about 10.5oz
  • Sex determination

    Sex determination
    At 4-5 months is ween the baby's sex can be determined. and a sonogram is used.
  • changes in fetal size at 6 months

    changes in fetal size at 6 months
    at 6 months of pregnancy the fetus is about 11.8 inches long and weighs about 1.3 pounds
  • Changes in fetal size at 7 months

    Changes in fetal size at 7 months
    at seven months the fetus is about 14.8 inches long and weighs about 2.2 pounds.
  • Period: to

    3rd trimester

    By the 32nd week, even though your baby’s lungs aren’t fully developed, she will practice breathing in order to prepare to breathe on his/her own. Also, your baby may become increasingly more active, you will likely feel forceful kicks and punches as she moves in the womb.
  • Changes in fetal size at 8 months

    Changes in fetal size at 8 months
    the baby is about 17 inches long and weighs about 5 pounds.
  • Changes in the fetus size at 9 months

    Changes in the fetus size at 9 months
    at 9 months of pregancy the baby is about 20 inches long and wieghs about 6-9 pounds.
  • Premature baby

    Premature baby
    At 37 weeks the fetus can survive if delivered prematurely
  • Fat and weight gain and growth

    Fat and weight gain and growth
    At 37 weeks, the baby will continue to add approximately one ounce (28.35 grams) per day to his body weight. This week marks a pregnancy as full term, and the baby should be delivered with no complications.
  • Birth

    1st stage of Labor: contractions become longer and closer together, cervix thins out.
    2nd stage of Labor: the baby is delivered, and the umbilical cord is cut.
    3rd stage of Labor: the placenta is delivered.
  • Newborn baby

    Newborn baby
    The baby is born and is healthy as well as the mother. (: