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  • Month One Mom

    mom misses period
  • Month One Baby

    Your embryo splits into two parts this week. One becomes the placenta, which will deliver oxygen and nutrients to your baby, and the other is the growing and developing embryo itself.
  • Month Two Mom

    Your symptoms in the second month of your pregnancy will be similar to the previous month. These include fatigue, nausea, dizziness, frequent urination, food cravings or aversions, and mood swings. You might no longer enjoy the taste of alcohol or the smell of smoke, which is good, because these substances can be harmful to your growing baby
  • Month Two Baby

    The embryo begins to move, although the mother cannot yet feel it. By the end of the second month, your baby, now a fetus, is about 2.54cm (1 inch) long, weighs about 9.45g (1/3 ounce), and a third of baby is now made up of its head.
  • Month Three for Mom

    Get ready for a gush of hormonal changes. You will experience a roller coaster ride of emotions. Your abdomen will continue to expand. This is also a good sign indicating that the chances of any likelihood of a miscarriage to occur are very less now. You will feel less nauseous by the end of the third month. The morning sickness will eventually fade out, giving in a rush of food cravings. Don’t be surprised at the kind of foods you can crave for at this point in time.
  • Month Three for Baby

    Baby's heart can be heard with a doppler by the end of the third month
    Don’t expect your baby to move yet
    Your baby's eyes will be large and wide open, even though his eyelids will form later
    The external ears have formed by this point and the brain cells of your baby are rapidly developing
  • Month Four for Mom

    you will start feeling sluggish with the frequent urge to go to the bathroom. Blame this on the progesterone hormone that is kicking itself to relax your pelvic muscles. Your uterus will now be the size of a grapefruit. A feeling of heaviness is frequent as your tummy feels mostly full. This is the time for ‘sugar drop’.
  • Month Four for Baby

    Your baby’s eyes will now shift from the neck to the sides of his head. The neck is getting longer and the chin will be seen prominently during the ultrasound scan. Your baby’s facial features will now start to develop. The unique fingerprints are now formed. Your baby will now begin to external responses. Try poking your bump with finger slightly and feel your baby react with a slight jerk.Your baby’s body is covered with a fine hair called Lanugo
  • Month Five for Mom

    You will suddenly have hot flashes, even if it is the middle of winter! This is due to the increased blood supply inside the body. Your palms may develop red lines. You will feel the need for more air during this time.The veins in your legs are now more conspicuous; you may be prone to varicose veins in case you are overweight.Your legs will ache if you stand for long periods of time.Your hair will suddenly look thick and lustrous as there is less hair fall during pregnancy.
  • Month Five for Baby

    Your baby’s weight would have doubled in the last two weeks of the 5th month.The height of your baby will measure about 13 cm from head to tail.
    The blood vessels will be visible inside your baby’s translucent skin
    Your baby’s legs will be disproportionate to the rest of his body, as they will be longer than his arms and are flexed at the knees and ankles.Ossification of bones will continue with calcium depositing regularly on them. Your baby’s reproductive system will now be certainly developed
  • Month Six for Mom

    Somewhere around the 6th month, you’ll observe that your feet, ankles, and hands appear swollen, The uterus is too large for the pelvis, so there is less pressure on the bladder, but the uterus is not quite large enough to cause real problems with eating and breathing. You should have more energy than you did in the first trimester, along with an increased libido. You should also be feeling the baby move every day.
  • Month Six for Baby

    Your baby is working on developing two more senses, taste and touch. All her organ systems are in place, but the specialization and maturation of the systems is continuing. If your baby is a girl, her reproductive organs have formed and are in the proper place. If your baby is a boy, his testes are beginning the descent from the abdomen to their proper place in the scrotum. The bones in your baby’s middle ear are hardening, which is necessary for proper hearing and balance.
  • Month Seven for Mom

    Hot flashes become a normal thing now. You will feel excessively hot in all weather conditions due to the changes inside. You will connect more with your baby inside the womb than before. You will absolutely love this feel which will be remembered forever, Anxiety pangs are very common, False contractions, also called as Braxton Hicks will be more frequent. You will have mastered the art of identifying a false contraction from an actual one by this time.
  • Month Seven for Baby

    By the end of this month your baby will measuring approximately 46 centimeters. Your doctor will now keep a close watch on both the weight and height during the antenatal appointments.It’s the sleep time for the little one inside. Your baby will spend more time doing REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Researchers state that this is an important sleep pattern for humans.Lot of neural and cognitive development this month for your baby
  • Month 8 for Mom

    You will find yourself easily flustered, annoyed and confused. Breathing helps you to calm down with your waging thoughts.Accept the fact that you are now with a proper pregnant body. There is no way out escaping from comments like “You look so big” “where is the bump” “I think you will have a huge baby”. Your bump size may be big or small. Do not panic at the casual comments thrown randomly at you. Remember, the size of your belly has nothing to do with the size of the baby!
  • Month 8 for Baby

    Your baby would have settled in the cephalic (head down) position by this time. Your ante natal checks will continue to check the status of your baby’s position till week 40.Diminishing amniotic fluid signifies that your baby’s kidneys have started to function. More cortisol is produced by the kidneys.In case of a boy, the testicles are slowly migrating way down his abdomen. In case of a girl, her vulva would have been formed.
  • Month 9 for Baby

    Your baby will weigh anywhere between 2.5 to 3.5 kilograms and measures about 53 centimeters long.The lungs are now fully developed, functional and breathing through the amniotic fluid.Your baby’s brain is now complete with development.All the vital organs are now fully developed and functional.Your baby’s movements will slow down as there is no room inside the womb
  • Month 9 for Mom

    You will suffer with perpetual backache as the pressure increases on your sciatic nerve.Your pelvis has expanded to an extent that you feel you may ‘crack wide open.Stress incontinence continues, making you leak often.Increased vaginal discharge becomes usual now.You will suddenly start looking all ‘blossomed’ yet tired. Your face may have stress lines but there is a certain glow that cannot be missed.Lying down in a comfortable position gets more impossible by each passing day