
  • Birth Defects

    Birth Defects
    Sickle Cell Disease: The disease causes debilitating pain and damage to vital organs and can sometimes be fatal. Symptoms: Shortness of breath, Pale skin/face, and tied easily Caused: Small effect in Gene when born. Treatment: none S/P: 9 birth defects and their symptoms and treatments. KidsHealth from
  • Down Syndrome

    Down Syndrome
    Down Syndrome: A person with down syndrome have smaller features, and when they grow up. Symptoms: Small Features even when they grow up, they are smaller then usual. Caused: Effect in chromosome when born. Treatment: early-intervention programs can help child's development S/P:
  • Fragile X Syndrome

    Fragile X Syndrome
    Fragile X Syndrome: The diagnosis may not be made until 18 months and 2 years. Symptoms: Large ears, flat feet, large testicles,overcrowded teeth, heat problems, and have seizures. Caused: Effect in chromosome when born. Treatment: early-intervention programs can help child's development S/P:,
  • Dewarfism Birth Defect

    Dewarfism Birth Defect
    Dewarfism: Adult height of 4 feet 10 inches or under. Symptoms: Shortness Caused: Effect in chromosome when born. Are can be a genetic condition. Treatment: none. Most people live long fulfilling lives! S/P:,
  • A Biochemical Birth Defect

    A Biochemical Birth Defect
    A Biochemical Birth Defect: A person with down syndrome have smaller features, and when they grow up. Symptoms: A child is missing a enzyme. If left untreated it can cause high concentration. Caused: By a Enzyme that breaks down by protein can rise high concentration in body cause biochemical. Treatment: Diet low in foods that contains phenylalanine. They have to eat certain foods. S/P:, and
  • 1 Month

    1 Month
    About Mom And Baby During 1 Month: The egg is making its way to the Fallopian tube. The fertilized egg is implanting into the lining of the uterus, you may notice some spotting. This is the month you miss your first period. The baby is developing balls of cells. This is the month to make your first doctors appointment. Facts:
    -When pregnant you may be very tired.
    -The mood swings can have a big affect on your pregnancy
    -The morning sickness may be catching up to you. S/P: The
  • 2nd Month

    2nd Month
    About Mom And Baby during 2 months: The baby is two centimeters long. The color pigment in their eyes are starting to form. The baby's toes and fingers have formed, and their heart will be beating 160 beats a minute!!!! Facts:
    -The womb is twice its normal size.
    -The baby's skin is still paper thin and is almost transparent.
    - The baby's heart is the size of a tiny poppy seed. S/P:, Styles at
  • 3rd Month

    3rd Month
    About Mom And Baby: The moms waistbands may feel tight. They have little fingernails in place. The baby's little wrists and elbows bend when they move. The baby is doing a whole lot of wriggling even if you don't feel it. Facts:
    -The baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are starting to function
    -The baby's eyelids are in place
    -The toes look like actual digits. S/P-, Baby and
  • 4 Months

    4 Months
    About Baby: The baby is a size of an egg, the kidneys begin to function. The baby is swallowing, yawning and hiccuping. The hair and eyebrows begin to grow. Facts:
    - The placenta takes over the pregnancy hormones, which eases the nausea.
    - Chances of Miscarriage are gently reduced.
    - The baby can hear your voice. S/P-
  • 5 Month

    5 Month
    About Mom And Baby: The taste buds are forming on your baby's tongue. The mother might notice a faint line down her abdomen. The mother may notice some skin changes, but this will change after delivery. Facts:
    -Iodine helps regulate your metabolism during pregnancy. -Faintness and dizziness may occur when standing slowly this is because of reduced blood flow to the brain, which is normal.
    • The shortness of breath may occur now till delivery.
    S/P-I'm Pregnant App, My Pic
  • 6 Months

    6 Months
    About Mother and Baby: The baby will be opening their eyes for the first time! If you eat spicy foods through your pregnancy your baby may hiccup. The baby is about the size of a cauliflower. Facts:
    -Talking and Singing at this stage is important for the baby.
    -Mommy's voice is the most relevant voice the baby knows.
    -Make sure you consume iron through your pregnancy S/P- I'm Pregnant App,, and My pic.
  • 7 Months

    7 Months
    About Mom and Baby: The baby's heart beat is so strong your partner can hear it. The baby can blink their eyes and eyesight has developed to the point. Facts:
    -The head will start to move downward into the engaged position for most.
    -The baby's wrinkles will increase to provide more room for brain tissue to develop.
    -The baby should most likely be fully developed. S/P=
  • 8th Month

    8th Month
  • Period: to

    8 Months

    About Baby and Mom: The baby's bones are harden. The mom should try and take little naps as possible. The baby's lungs are fully developed. Facts:
    -If you are expecting a boy his testicles are moved down and his scrotum now.
    -They baby continues to gain weight no matter if it is towards the end.
    -Their may be a little pain when the baby moves around. That is normal, their is not a whole lot of room S/P:
  • 9 Months

    9 Months
    It's the month to pop!!! The baby can come when ever it may desire. The contractions start to kick in. Fact:
    -You should go to the hospital when the contractions are 5 minutes apart. The Dilating may be occurring.
    • Their may be some complications when a c sections should more likely be used.
    • It is important to relax and breath when giving birth especially pushing.
    (When the time comes you get to hold your little bundle of Joy!!!) Birth of June 6 S/, My pics and Advice