
  • Period: to


  • month one - mother

    month one - mother
    missed minstrual period , and other signs of pragnancy may not yet be noticeable.
  • month one - baby

    size of a pin head at two weeks. attaches to lining of uterus. critical stage fo brain and spinal cord development. internal organs and circulatory system begins to form. the heart begins to beat.
  • month two - mother

    month two - mother
    breast begin to swell. pressure on bladder from enlarging uterus results in need to urinate freguently.possible nausea ( morning sickness) and fatigue is common.
  • month two - baby

    size about 1/4 inch long as month begins. face, eyes , ears and limbs take shape bones begin to form.
  • month three- baby

    baby is about an inch as long as month begins. nostrils, mouth , lips , teeth buds, and eyew lids begin to form. babys fingers and toes almost complete. all organs present, although immature.
  • month three - mother

    month three - mother
    breast becomes more firmer and fuller , may ache. nausea and fatigue and fequent urination may continue abdomen becomes slighty larger. the uterus is about the size of an organge. may gain wieght ( 2-4 lbs.)
  • month four - mother

    month four - mother
    the abdomen continues to grow slowly. most discomforts of early pregnancy such as morning sickness, usually gone. the appetite may increase.
  • month four - baby

    baby is about 3 inches long and 1 ounce as month begins. can suck his/her thumb, swallow, hiccup, and move around, also facial features become clearer.
  • month five - mother

    month five - mother
    the abdomen is larger and becomes apparent. slight fetal movements felt. the increases size may begin to affect posture.
  • month five - baby

    babys size is about 6 1/2 - 7 inches long and about 4-5 ounces as month begins. hair and eye lashes and eye browa appear. the babys teeth continue to develop, also with organs maturing and becomes more active.
  • month six - mother

    month six - mother
    fetal movements sensesd as strong kicks, thumps and bumps. some may be visible. wieght gain at at the begining of this month may total 10- 12 pounds.
  • month six - baby

    baby is about 8-10 inches long and about 8-12 ounces as month begins. the fats deposits under the babys skin but fetus appears wrinkled and breathing movements begin.
  • moth seven - mother

    moth seven - mother
    with everthing still going on ths size will moslty effect your posture
  • month seven - baby

    baby is about 10-12 inches long and about 1 1/2-2 pounds as month begins. there are also periods of activity followed by periods of rest and quiet.
  • month eight- mother

    month eight- mother
    discomfort may result from increased size. backache, leg cramps, shortness of breath, and fatigue are common. fetal kicks may diturb the mothers rest. at the begining of this month, wieght gained to 18-20 pounds.
  • month eight - baby

    baby is now 14-16 long and 2 1/2-3 pounds as month begins. wieght gains coninues rapidly also may react to loud noises with a reflex jerking action he/she also move into head down position.
  • month nine - mother

    month nine - mother
    "lightening " felt as the fetus drops in to the pelvis. breathing becomes easier. other discomforts may continue. atotal of wieght gained 25-35 pounds. false labor pains may be experienced.
  • month nine - baby

    17-18 inches long and about 5-6 pounds as month begins. the baby also has wieght gained until the week before birth. his skin becomes more smooth as fats deposits under skin. movements decrease as the fetus has less room to move around. the fetus also acquires disease-fighting antibodies from the mothers blood and desends into pelvis , ready for birth.