• Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Strengthened abolitionism in the North and angered the South. Some say that this book falsely portrayed slavery.
  • Republican Party

    Formed as a part of the opposition to the expansion of slave states into western territories.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska debate supported popular sovereignty which Southerners and Northers both disagreed and agreed on almost equally. Still strengthened split between northern and southern states.
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    Bloody Kansas

    War in Kansas over whether it would be a slave or free state. Strengthened divide between pro-slavery and anti-slavery.
  • Brooks-Sumner Incident

    Brooks beat Sumner with a cane after being upset by Sumner's speech. Might have lead to the start of the civil war because of the trends of violence.
  • Election of 1856

    James Buchanan is said to ignore or avoid fixing the obvious divide between northern and southern states in the US leading to the Civil War.
  • Dred Scott case

    The Dred Scott case brought up several issues like whether enslaved people, or colored people, were considered citizens if crossing into free territory would make them free, and this case also questioned laws already passed (first time since Marbury v. Madison.)
  • LeCompton Constitution

    Allowed slavery in Kansas even though most residents didn't support it. Brought opposing sides of proslavery and antislavery into Kansas.
  • House Divided Speech

    Lincoln pointed out the devastating split in the US between the North and the South. This also marked his entrance into politics.
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    Lincoln Douglas Debates

    This made Lincoln's political career national. Debates between the two talked about solving issues by political means and warning that it might cause a civil war.
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    Attack on Harper's Ferry

    Failed attempt to raid an Armory. Lead by John Brown. He was later executed in December. Raid angered the south because John Brown was anti-slavery.
  • John Brown (date is execution)

    John Brown was a man dedicated to freeing slaves. He said that his point in trying to raid an armory was "to free the slaves" along with causing several other problems. He angered the South.
  • Election of 1860

    Because of fear of Lincoln's policies, southern states thought about seceding from the Union.
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    Southern states threatened to secession which Lincoln denounced as something that won't work. I think lincoln telling southern states secession wouldn't be the best idea might have lead to more tensions.
  • Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

    Addressed slave states and how Lincoln wasn't interested in taking away their "property." He also denounces their ideas of Seceding by talking about how being on their own doesn't usually work out and that they can't legally be separated.