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Pre-Revolutionary War Timeline

  • French & Indian War Ends

    French & Indian War Ends
    The French and Indian War was a war fought between the British and French. The British won, but they had a major war debt. Picture Source
  • The Sugar Act is Enforced

    The Sugar Act is Enforced
    When the French & Indian War ended, England had massive war debts that they needed to pay off. The Sugar Act, along with the Stamp and the Townshend Acts, was one of the many taxes that Britain enforced to the colonists so they could pay thier debt of. Picture Source
  • The Stamp Act is Enforced

    The Stamp Act is Enforced
    This required tax stamps on many items and documents such as playing cards, newspapers, an marriage licenses. It was intended for colonies to pay for thier defense. Picture Source
  • The Declaratory Act is Enforced

    The Declaratory Act is Enforced
    On this day, the Declaratory Act was passed. This represents that Parliament doesn’t want to give in to the colonists, as they feel they are well within reason to tax the colonists for their protection and goods. Picture Source
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Angry citizens taunted British soldiers, who, after being harassed and thrown rocks at, eventually open fire and kill five people. Although John Adams defends the soldiers, the event was still seen as an attack on colonial interests. Picture Source
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    When the Colonists heard that Britian repealed all the Townshend Acts exept the tax on tea, they got angry and wanted to let Britain they did not want to be taxed. They decided to dress up like indians and board a ship that was bringing a shipment of tea from England to America and dump all of the tea into the Boston Harbor as protest to the Tea Act. Picture Source
  • Quartering Act of 1774

    Quartering Act of 1774
    The new Quartering Act allowed a governor to house soldiers in other buildings if suitable quarters were not provided, but it did not say that soldiers should be provided with provisions. Picture Source
  • Give me Liberty, or give me Death! Speech

    Give me Liberty, or give me Death! Speech
    That speech was written by Patrick Henry. Patrick Henry was also the first governor of Virginia and led the fight for the adoption of the Bill of Rights. Picture Source
  • Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense

    Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense
    Thomas Pain published a pamphlet called "Common Sense" and sent them to colonies. He did this in order to arouse the general public to support the need for independence from Britain. Picture Source
  • Declaration of Independence was Ratified

    Declaration of Independence was Ratified
    The Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson and was based on the ideas of John Locke. The Declaration of Independence focused on giving the people more power and giving them their Natural Rights. Picture Source