Pre-Revoluionary War Events

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    The Indians joined the French for a fight over the Ohio River Valley against the British. The British eventually won the war, and was left with much debt. Because the Indians joined the French, and lost, the colonists were less dependent on Britian for protection against the Indians.
  • The Writs of Assistance

    The Writs of Assistance is a order given by a federal court, that listed the offical officers of the colonies.
  • Proclamatin of 1763

    This proclaimition, passed by the King, forbid the settlers west of the Applachin Mountians to move within the boundariesd of British control, and forbid settlers east of the Applachin Mountians to move west of British control.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act prohibited the colonies from producing their own paper mony, and issued New York to send out so many Euro dollars.
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act raised the cost of sugar and molassas, and also added a tax on any sugar or molasses imported from England's West Indies.
  • Committes of Correspondence

    This secert committee, formed by Sameul Adams, helped spread imformation about new acts, and any other information that the colonists' government wanted their people to know.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    This act was the first public tax, which means that it was the first tax to tax most of the puoplation of the colonies. The Stamp Act said that there had to be a royal tax on anything that was printed in the colonies.
  • Quartering Act

    This act demanded that colonists were to house and feed British soilders in time of distress.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act Congres was a meeting where twenty-seven delegets from nine colonies met and created a draft of rights that they should have. All of them agreed on opposing Britian.
  • Sons and Daughters of Liberty

    Sons and Daughters of Liberty
    The Sons and Daughters of Liberty was a secert group that was arranged by Sameul Adams and fought against the Acts that had been previously passed by the British Parliment. This group of people decided to take the law into their own hands, and started tar-and-feathering tax collectors.
  • Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts were a group of laws that the British Parliment passed that was suppod to hep the British Oficals that were in the colonies. These laws taxted everything from glass, to paper, to tea.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Colonists and British soliders first showed conflict. Three colonists were killed immediatly, and two more were killed from injurys.
  • The Gaspee

    The Gaspee
    Captian Thomas Lindsay of the Hannah hated the British schooner, The Gaspee. When the colonists located The Gaspee, a group of 60 men, led by Captian Whipple forced the crew of The Gaspee to surrender, and then burned the ship to pieces.
  • Tea Act

    This act was meant to help the British East India Tea Company, but angered the colonists.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Colonists disquised themselfs as Inians, and boarded the three ships that were delivering tea from Egland. The colonists then threw the tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    This act was passed to punish the colonists for dumping tea into the Boston Harbor at the Boston Tea Party. This act also placed many restrictions, such as forbidding town meetings and closing Boston Harbor.
  • First Cotinental Congress

    First Cotinental Congress
    This group of men formed after the Intolerable Acts. 12 out of the 13 colonies sent delegets to meet and discuss their problems with England. "The Association" was created, and called for a boycott againist British goods.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    British troops were ordered to Lexington and Concord to sieze any store or home with gunpowder and ammuntion, and they were to capture Sameul Adams and John Handcock. In Lexington, open fire was comensed and eight Americans were killed. At Concord, British troops were forced to retreat, and 70 British soilders were killed.
  • Second Continenta Congress

    Second Continenta Congress
    This time all 13 colonies sent delegets to be represented at Philadlphia and establishd a document that was to be sent to King George III, asking for all the taxes to be repealed.
  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill was a major victory for the colonists, After this battle, King George III proclaimed that the colonists were offically in rebellion.