Pre Civil War Events

By codybob
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    On March 3, 1820 the state of missouri entered the union as a slave state and Maine entered as a free state to the Union.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    David Wilmot proposed a admendment stating that neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever esist in any part of the territory that might be acquired from Mexico.
  • California Statehood

    California  Statehood
    The US gained the Mexican Cession from the spanish.Southerners wanted it to be open to slavery,Northerners wanted it to be closed. As a compromise they proposed a bill to extend the Missouri Compromise line to the pasfic. This failed in congress, California voted and entered the Union as a free state. While New Mexico entered as a slave state.
  • Fugitive Slave Law

    Fugitive Slave Law
    This stated that slaves were property and they could be taken from the north if they escaped. The souterners had the right to take back their property and nobody could help the slaves and if cought they could be jailed.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin Published
    Uncle Tom's cabin was published to show the world what slaves went through and the life of a slave. This turned many people against slavery all over the world.
  • Raid of Lawrence, Kansas

    Raid of Lawrence, Kansas
    Angry anti-slavery people came to lawrence kansas while voting to be either a free or slave state. Southerners also came to sway the vote to be a slave state. They dissagreed and houses and bussnisess were burned.
  • Onsted Manifesto

    Onsted Manifesto
    The US wanted to buy Cuba from Spain.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Both Kansas and Nebraska are above the compromise line but they are suited for slave labor, they could deside on a vote of the state.
  • Charles Sumner Beating

    Charles Sumner Beating
    Charles Sumner was beaten in congress on the topic of slavery by Preston Brooks an angry southern representative. Southerners were supporting the beating with the cane on Sumner but this made northerners very mad
  • John Brown Invades Pottawatomie, Kansas

    John Brown Invades Pottawatomie, Kansas
    Alson known as Bleeding Kansas John Brown and his sons late at night invaded Pottawatomie after the pro slavery people in Kansas swaying votes took place. John Brown and gang killed a family of 5 in their cabin.
  • Dred Scoot Decison

    Dred Scoot Decison
    Dred Scott's owner moved to the north with Scott to Wisconsin, Scott argued in court that legaly he was free due to being in the north, by a vote of 4 to 5 they stated that property canot be taken away by traveling over states with it.
  • Lincoln-Douglass Debates

    Lincoln-Douglass Debates
    Lincoln and Douglass had 7 debates in Illinois for presidency, this was important for their campaigns.
  • Harper's Ferry Raid

    Harper's Ferry Raid
    John Brown planned to capture an Arsenal or weapon storage building and equipt slaves with guns to overtake it. All of John Brown's men were killed and he was captured and sentenced to death.
  • South Carloina secedes

    South Carloina secedes
    South Carolina left the union to be its own state.
  • Abraham Lincoln elected President of the United States

    Abraham Lincoln elected President of the United States
    Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States beating Stephen Douglas with only 40% of the votes, his name was not even on the balet of 10 southern states.
  • Fort Sumter Attack

    Fort Sumter Attack
    The start of the american civil war when fort sumter was attacked and forced to give over after 33 hours of fighting and not 1 death.