pre civil war acts

By collieD
  • missouri compromise

    main became a free stante missouri became a slave state and the line was drawn between the slave and free states
  • wolmont proviso

    wolmont proviso
    an amendment neither slavery nor involintary servitude shall ever exist
  • california statehgood

    california statehgood
    califonia becamame a free state
  • fugitive slave law

    fugitive slave law
    north had to catch any slave they knew about
  • uncle toms cabin published

    uncle toms cabin published
    writer saw slave getting beatten and sale forgave the white man before he died
  • onsted manifesto

    onsted manifesto
    debateing over buying cuba from spain
  • kansas nebraska act

    kansas nebraska act
    slavery was a decision voted by people in those territories
  • charles summer beaten

    charles summer beaten
    chales sumner gave a speech about anti slavery
  • raid on lawrence, kansas

    raid on lawrence, kansas
    The house of Lawrence resident Charles Robinson was taken as headquarters for the Marshal and the officers of his army.
  • lincoln douglas debates

    lincoln douglas debates
    lincoln and douglas were debating ove if dred scott put slave to rest
  • john brown invades pottawantomie, kansas

    john brown invades pottawantomie, kansas
    john brown wanted to arm slave to start a slave revolt
  • dred scot decision

    dred scot decision
    in 1857 the slavery contaversy shifted from the nloodiest floor to the courtroom
  • harper fairy raid

    harper fairy raid
    john brown wanted to arm slaves to start a rebelion that woukd end slavery for ever
  • abraham lincoln elected president

    abraham lincoln elected president
    abraham is elected president of the USA
  • south carolina seceds

    south carolina seceds
    south carolina seceds
  • fort sumter attack

    fort sumter attack
    after 33 hours of heavy sheling they took down the stars and stripes and reaplaced it with a white flag