1cold war


  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The Truman Doctrine was created to stop communism from expanding to other countries and it was considered America's responsibility to support peoples who are resisting outside pressures. Turkey and Greece were given $400 million. This plan lasted until 1950.
  • Cold War Visual

    Cold War Visual
  • Period: to

    Cold War

    The Cold War was basically a fight to stop communism against the Soviet Union to stop the spread against communism.There was no actual fighting between the Soviets and the US, but there were threats of use of powerful weapons like the atomic bomb. The tension was eased in 1963 when Kennedy and Khrushchev established a hot line between the White House and the Kremlin.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall plan was a joint plan for many European countries which promised financial aid. It was offered to the Soviet Union but they declined claiming that it was a capitalist trick. However, it was still a success and the plan lasted for 6 years until 1952.
  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    This is when Russia began to test their atomic boms while the US was trying to create something better: The Hydrogen bomb. The Arms Race was one big competiton to see who could get create the better weapons.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    The North American Treaty Organization was an alliance between ten different countries whose goal was to stop the spread of communism. It was the first peacetime military alliance that had more than 500,000 troops.
  • Korean War Visual

    Korean War Visual
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    Korean War

    The Korean war started after Korea was separated into North and South. The North launched a surprise attack on South Korea. The US joined to aid the South, which ended the war in the Signing of the Armistice in July of 1953.
  • Vietnam War visual

    Vietnam War visual
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    Vietnam War

    Vietnam was split into a Communist North and a Non-Communist south who had the backing of the US. It was the longest war in American history as well as the least popular. The war ended with the surrender of South Vietnam and the two became a whole Vietnam again.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The Space Race was similar to the Arms Race in the fact that the Soviets and the US kept tried to be better than the other. Instead, the Space Race was more about technology to get into space. The Soviet Union was initially ahead in the Space Race.
  • Launching of Sputnik

    Launching of Sputnik
    This was the world's first artificial satellite. Sputnik made its wy around earth every 96 minutes and moved at 18,000 miles an hour.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    This was an attempt by the US to have Cuban exiles attack Cuba. The attack was a failure because exiles met 25,000 Cuban soldiers who had Soviet tanks as well.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Soviets helped Cuba to defend their country, which led to nuclear bombs being pointed straight at the US from Cuba. Kennedy claimed that any nuclear attacks would be answered with the same while America waited in fear for thirteen days. Finally, the missiles were removed after Kennedy promised not to invade Cuba.