Post French & Indian War: Acts of Parliament

  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 kept the colonists from settling on the west side of the Appalachian mountains. This also gave the Native Americans their land rights back. The colonists were not happy at all especially the ones that have already settled on that side of the mountain meaning they had to move to the other side.
  • Sugar Act

    This was an act that tried to stop the smuggling of sugar and molasses into the colonies by reducing the tax rate and also by enforcing the collection of duties. The colonists were thrilled that the British finally did something after all they have done to show that they were not happy with what was going on. Now they have finally done something to change the way that we are being treated.
  • Currency Act

    There was a lack of currency in the colonies because of the lack of trade with Great Britain. The only way you could get silver or gold is through trading with Great Britain because the colonies doesn't have any mines. The colonists were not very happy with this but they fought through it and they made their own currency called "hard currency".
  • Stamp Act

    This was made by the British parliament putting a tax on anything that they wanted to basically. But they put tax on paper, newspapers, and much more. The colonists were not happy about this at all because this means less money for them and they are struggling enough as it is.
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act outlined the locations where the British soldiers could find rooms and eat. This required the people that lived in the barracks made by British men to house their soldiers and feed them. The colonists were not very happy because they did not know where they were going to find the money to house and feed these soldiers.
  • Declaratory Act

    This was an act made by British parliament saying that the taxes were the same in America and Great Britain. This event happened after the fail of the Stamp Act. The colonists were not happy at all with this because Britain was trying to show their authority over them.
  • Townshend Act

    The Townshend acts were created by the British government and this would take away some of the freedoms of the colonists but place new taxes that they had to pay for. Some of them were paper, paint, lead, glass and tea. The colonists were not happy about this at all. They are taking away most of our freedoms and also placing new taxes that we have to pay for.
  • The Boston Massacre

    This was a street fight that led to the mob throwing snowballs, sticks, and stones at the British troops. This led to the killing of several colonists which made the act of citizenship happen.
  • Tea Act

    This act gave permission to the company to directly ship their tea to the colonies without it having to go through England first. The tea would just go straight to the destination of the tea. This also gave the colonists permission to sell tea in the colonies.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    There was tea thrown from ships by American Patriots that were dressed as Mohawk Indians so that the British would be mad at them and not American Patriots. So this would show them that they did not care about the tea tax and that they were going to get their tea with no tax.