
Points in Time Timeline

  • 225


    The quin was the first and last great dynasty of China. They were formed by the empor quin after the conquest of the other states.
  • 300


    thids civilization was a civilzation on the east bank of the nile. The capital is called the kingdom of Kush and this land is marked by more than 200 pyrimids.
  • 475

    Warring States

    Warring States
    A time period of China that fallowed the spring and autumn seasons and concluding the victory of the Qin. This chrated a unified china under the Qin Dynasty.
  • 551


    These two relogional points of veiw wee created during the Zhou era. these belifes that family is the fundimental part of society and family members should regulated the conduct of their home.
  • Oct 13, 1000


    The celtic clan had no political power in regions.However they belived in many gods and had druids priests. The celts territory spread to europe.
  • Oct 13, 1045

    Mandate of Heaven

    Mandate of Heaven
    The mandate of hevan is a philisophical belif that the god Tian woiuld grant the right to rule if they could rule and govern fairly and justly. this ida started in the earky Zhou era.
  • Oct 13, 1500

    New kingdom Egypt

    New kingdom Egypt
    This age of egypt has benn referd to as the egyptian empire in 11th century BC. This age covers the 18th through 20th dynastyies of egyptian history.
  • Oct 13, 1500


    Nubia is a region along the nile located in north sudan and south egypt. The egyptians had conquerd nubia in 1500 and for 500 years egypt hjas gained wealth from nubia.
  • Shang Dynasty

    Shang Dynasty
    During the shang dynasty the people had a prediction of oracle bones . The shang dynasty worshiped Di a god who resides in the sky and unlesher of storms.
  • Hammurabi

    The first king of babylon and extending mesopotamia land and territory. He is well known for the set of laws he created known as hammurabi's laws
  • Babylon

    Babylon was originally a semitic akkadian administative city city. However currently it is in Iraq
  • Cuneiform

    A firs system of writing for the mesopotamians. They were usually carved into stone slabes like templates
  • Metallurgy

    Metallurgy started with bronze in 2000 BC they had to heat up the material and let it cool after it formed it's shape. 600 BC the China had delveloped Iron Metallurgy and used that insted of bronze.
  • Middle egypt

    Middle egypt
    the middle kingdom of egypt spans from the 11th dynasty to the 12th dynasty kinds. the rivalry between two dynasty caused a greaet downfall of the 11th dynasty.
  • Hieroglyphics

    A system of egyptian writing that uses pitures and sybols instead of letters. This form of writing was use in the official monumental inscriptions such as on pyimids and tempels.
  • Old egypt

    Old egypt
    The state started as a kingship. That belif spread that the king was sent by the gods to lead egypt into prosperity.
  • Indus river valley

    Indus river valley
    The indus river valley is a plain of over 1 million acers. They have made huge agurcultural standpoints in the land due to the soil, and there is a greater quantity of metal than in Mesopotamia or Egypt
  • Sumerians

    The people living in at the start of the historical period were the sumerians. these people spoke semitic language. By 2000 BC they became politically dominant.
  • Xai dynasty

    Xai dynasty
    The xia dynastyis the first dynasty to start china. they started the production of silk and mde tools. they also created domestication of chickens and pigs.
  • Americas

    the americas were a culture that spanded south of mexico the earliest was the mesoamerican olmec that had stone statues and art.
  • Mesopotamia

    Mesopotamia is described as the land betwwen two rivers. These 2 rivers ere the tigrus and euphrates rivers. the mesopotamian people also developed the social classes and bronze.
  • Early China

    Early China
    Early china is a more complex civilizatoion theat as early as 8000 BC.Under the shang and zhou dynasty china cultures spread all trhrough out asia.