playing with fire francine pascal 149 pages

  • pages 1-18

    jessicas crush leads her on.they start hanging out a lot which elizabeth doesnt approve of. bruce doesnt let jessica do anything he does or he thinks is boring.
  • 19-46 - 27 pages read

    elizabeth and todd go to ken matthews party while jessica goes with bruce. when elizabeth gets there she keeps a close eye on bruce because she is afraid of him breaking jessicas heart.
  • 47-80 - 33 pages

    jessica has been using robin to do her dirty work. Robin thinks jessica will let her join the pba sorority but jessica thinks robin will ruin the pba image because she is fat.
  • 81-116 35 pages

    jessica is doing anything in her power to keep robin from getting a pledge to join the pba but elizabeth pledges robin anyway. jessica makes robin do useless tasks to get into the pba but robin thinks they are for real.
  • 117-149 32 pages

    robin has to ask bruce out to the fall dance as one of the tasks.he said yes but took her and embarrased her in front of the whole school.