Cute platypus hunting

Platypus Project

  • Discovery Echidna

    Discovery Echidna
    Accidentally discovered.
  • Discovery Platypus

    Discovery Platypus
    Accidentaly discovered, shot, thought to be a hoax, sent to Dr. Shaw of England, later sent to Asian Taxidermists who said it was real, and searched by Dr. Shaw finally.
  • Period: to

    Platypus openly hunted

    The platypus is openly hunted for its fur and becomes severly endangered
  • Venom Discovered

    Venom Discovered
    Venom and Venom glands are dicovered on all monotremes
  • Poaching Law established

    Poaching Law established
    No hunting of platypus permitted again
  • Platypus Protection Law

    Platypus Protection Law
    Damage to habitat now illegal
  • Born in Zoo

    Born in Zoo
    Born in Melbourne Zoo Africa