Pippa's History

  • First fleet

    Affected: The migrants and aboriginals and women.
    It affected all the migrants/convicts that moved due to slavery.
    It also Affected the aboriginals that first lived in Australia because their land was taken.

    Finally, it Affected women because they were left at home to do the men's jobs while they went to war. source: Diary of a convict
  • stolen generation

    it affected the aboriginals that were taken away to learn the ways of white people. Source: Aiatsis
  • Gold Rush

    It affected the aboriginal people because their land was taken away due to migrants trying to make a home.
    The gold rush also affected the migrants as everyone went to Australia. Its population quadrupled in size making it hard to get home.
    Finally, this affected women because they had to stay at home to either look after kids or to make sure that the land they were on would not be taken. Source: Diary of an unknown minner
  • World war 1

    It reduced migrants from Australia as they would be at war to but also opposed new work jobs for them.
    Also discrimination for aboriginals worsened on the bright side it let women prove that they could do the men's jobs
  • ww2

    It affected women as they got more job offers as the men went to war and work for women increased by 31%!
    Many Australians agreed in unlimited immigration and immigrants increased by 40%!!!!!!!!!
  • The yes vote

    The yes vote
    People voted yes to say Aboriginals were people
    (they always were!!!)
  • Olympics

    More chances for all three categories to prove themselves.
  • COVID 19!!!!!!!!

    No chance of Migrants moving as all borders were closed.