Pioneers of Computing

By mseo
  • Period: Jan 1, 1395 to

    Pioneers of computing

  • Mar 5, 1400

    abacus 1000 BC-500 BC

    It was invented by Egyptians or chinese for subtract or add
  • Mar 4, 1448

    Printor was inveted by Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenber

    Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenber made printor.
  • Blaise Pascal born.He made the first calculator

    Blaise Pascal born.He made the first calculator
    He made the first calculator
  • pascaline calculator.

    pascaline calculator.
    It is a calculator that was created by blaise pascal. It can add, and subtract
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born. He made better calculator.

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was born. He made better calculator.
    He made better calculator.
  • Leibinz calculator.this is a calculator made by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. It can multiply, add, and subtract.

    Leibinz calculator.this is a calculator made by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. It can multiply, add, and subtract.
    this is a calculator made by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. It can multiply, add, and subtract.
  • Charles Babage was born. He creat calculator that can calculate 6 digit and print the answer

    Charles Babage was born. He creat calculator that can calculate 6 digit and print the answer
    He creat calculator that can calculate 6 digit and print the answer
  • Augusta Ada Lovelace was born.She is the first one who create computer program

    Augusta Ada Lovelace was born.She is the first one who create computer program
    She is the first one who create computer program
  • Difference engine

    Difference engine
    It’s a calculator invented by Charles Babbage . it can add subtract and multiply and print the answer
  • J.A Fleming was born. He made vaccum tube.

    He made vaccum tube.
  • Herman Hollerith was born. He invent computer that can count

    Herman Hollerith was born. He invent computer that can count
    He create computer that can count
  • Light bulb was invented

    Edison made lightt bulb
  • Tommy Flowers was born.He make machine that help solve encrypted German messages.

    Tommy Flowers was born.He make machine that help solve encrypted German messages.
    He make machine that help solve encrypted German messages.
  • Alan M. Turing was born. He create machine named pegasus it can count where the bomd target

    Alan M. Turing was born. He create machine named pegasus it can count where the bomd target
    He create machine named pegasus it can count where the bomd target
  • Rober E Khan was born. He made internet with Vint cerf

    He made internet with Vint cerf
  • vaccum tube.A circut board of blocks that held 4000vaccum tubes for IBM’s model 701.

    vaccum tube.A circut board of blocks that held 4000vaccum tubes for IBM’s model 701.
    vaccum tube
    Info:A circut board of blocks that held 4000vaccum tubes for IBM’s model 701.
  • Steve Wazniak was born.He made the first Apple computer

    Steve Wazniak was born.He made the first Apple computer
    He made the first Apple computer
  • Transistor

    A semiconductor device with three connections, capable of amplification in addition to rectification.
  • Bill Gates was born. Bill stared up microsoft with his friend Steve Ballmer in1975

    Bill Gates was born.  Bill stared up microsoft  with his friend Steve Ballmer in1975
    Bill stared up microsoft with his friend Steve Ballmer in1975
  • Tim Berners was born.He made World wide web.

    Tim Berners was born.He made World wide web.
    He made World wide web.
  • Integrated circuit.There many transistors combined forming a intergrate circuit.

    Integrated circuit.There many transistors combined forming a intergrate circuit.
    There many transistors combined forming a intergrate circuit.
  • microprocessors.It is known as CPU or central processing unit.

    microprocessors.It is known as CPU or central processing unit.
    It is known as CPU or central processing unit.