
Developmental Stages

  • Physical Development

    Physical Development
    6 year olds: children can dress themselves
    7 year olds: catch a ball more easily using only their hands
    8 year olds: tie their shoes
    9 year olds: growing independence from the family
    10 year olds: puberty
    11 year olds: starting middle
    12 year olds: Breast development
  • Social / Emotional Development

    Social / Emotional Development
    6 year olds: Show more independence from parents and family.
    7 year olds: Pay more attention to friendships and teamwork
    8 year olds: Wants to be liked and accepted by friends
    9 year olds: Start to form stronger friendships
    10 year olds: Experience more peer pressure.
    11 year olds :Become more aware of his or her body
    12 year olds: Show more concern about body image, looks, and clothes
  • Intellectual Development

    Intellectual Development
    6 year olds : Show rapid development of mental skills
    7 year olds : Learn better ways to describe experiences
    8 year olds : Have more concern for others
    9 year olds : Face more academic challenges at school.
    10 year olds : Begin to see the point of view of others more clearly
    11 year olds :Have an increased attention span
    12 year olds :Have more ability for complex thought