Wwi pigeon with camera

Photography 1909 - 1916 project

  • our presidents

    our presidents
    photography was import to show what our polotision look like and how they reated to centrain events or how there health is.
  • revolation

    Pictures where import to show revoltion going on at the time to see what the people where fighting for and where they were fighing.
  • titanic

    the Titanic Picture is impornet becaseu its show us how the ship would of looked before it sunk.
  • celebrates in the 1913

    celebrates in the 1913
    Celebrateys rose in pololurty after photography became more acbible to the gernal puclble.
  • Photogrphs in the battle

    Photogrphs in the battle
    Potograhpy was import during world war becaseu they could take pictures of what the ememy were doing witch in turn saved lives.
  • Paul Strand

    Paul Strand
    Paul strand help show every one what the averga american look like at the time and took pictures of random people on teh street.
  • world war one

    world war one
    In world war one it was used for progida to try and get more troops to fight the war and get support formt the public.