Personality Timeline

By tppatel
  • Day I was Born

    I was born on May 24, 2002.
  • Sister was born

    My sister was born on December 1st. It was a big deal for me because before then I was an only child and she has become a big part of my life. I felt really happy.
  • Last Asthma Attack

    I had my last asthma attack. After this, I no longer needed my inhaler and life became easier and better for me. I felt scared during the attack but shortly after i was very relieved.
  • First Black President

    First Black President
    Obama become the first black President. It is a cool thing to see happen in a country with a very complicated past.
  • 1st Time going to India

    1st Time going to India
    it was the 1st time i got to go to India. It was cool to meet my family that still lived in India. We also just had a great time roaming the streets.
  • World Population reaches 7 billion

  • Osama bin Laden is Killed

  • 2nd Time Going to India

    I went with my cousins this time. We had fun with more of our family. I went to a wedding for one of my uncles. I am glad that i went to India for the second time in my life and will probably go there again someday.
  • UK leaves the EU

    UK leaves the EU
    By a narrow vote the UK leaves the European Union.
  • Hurricane Harvey

    Hurricane Harvey
    Becomes one the most deadliest hurricanes.