Personal Timeline

By nunleyc
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born
  • the first iPhone was released

    the first iPhone was released
    The first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007. The iPhone is really popular today and most people have one.
  • My brothers Birth

    My brother, Isaiah, was born on October 12, 2007.
  • Obama gets elected as president

    Obama gets elected as president
    Barack Obama gets elected as the first a African American president ever in us history.
  • Michael Jackson dies

    Michael Jackson dies
    Michael Jackson, who many called “The king of pop” died June 25, 2009
  • Started preschool

    I started preschool when i was around four.
  • Got a dog

    Got a dog
    I got a dog named Jasper in 2013, he got hit by a car and died though.
  • Gay marriage was legalized in the US

    Gay marriage was legalized in the US
    Gay marriage was legalized in 2015 by Obama.
  • Got a cat

    Got a cat
    We got our cat Ninja in 2016, he is still alive right now.
  • Solar eclipse

    Solar eclipse
    On August 21 we had a full solar eclipse where the moon covered the full sun. I remember going outside and watching it.