Persecution of Homosexuals

  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    In November of 1932, the Nazi party won 33 percent of the vote, which was more than any other party, in the German Election. Due to this, President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler, who was the head of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NAZI Party), the new chancellor of Germany. This shows unfair treatment because Hitler was now incharge which means nobody could have a say.
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    Reichstag Fire Decree
    This law was put into place by President von Hindenburg. This law took away freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right for people to assemble. This meant that the government now could control what was being published to citizens of Germany. This shows unfair treatment because people couldn’t give speeches, or publish books if speaking up.
  • Enabling Act

    Enabling Act
    Hitler could make anything a law without having to check with other people. This means that Hitler had the power. This shows unfair treatment because people couldn’t agree or disagree with Hitler.
  • Burning of “Un-German” Books

    Burning of “Un-German” Books
    People burned books that didn’t talk positive about the Germans. This shows unfair treatment because people couldn’t write books without it being denied.
  • Hitler Becomes Fuhrer

    Hitler Becomes Fuhrer
    There were no limits or restraints on Hitler’s authority. Germany became a complete dictatorship. This shows unfair treatment because Hitler could make any law he wanted and wouldn’t have any consequences.
  • Mandatory Military Service

    Mandatory Military Service
    This law was created by the German Government. This law took away the right for Jews to serve in the Military. This shows unfair treatment because this took away men’s rights to serve.
  • Revision Paragraph 175

    Revision Paragraph 175
    People could not be homosexual and if you were caught doing any of that act you would get punished or persecuted. This shows unfair treatment because if you were a homosexual you couldn’t do anything without being punished.
  • Evian Conference on Refugees

    Evian Conference on Refugees
    Jews from Europe were trying to immigrate to other countries. Leaders from 32 countries met to discuss whether they should admit the refugees. Some said they would allow them in while others said no. This shows unfair treatment because some countries wouldn’t let Jews immigrate.
  • First Prisoners Arrive at Auschwitz

    First Prisoners Arrive at Auschwitz
    The SS opened a large concentration camp near the town of Oswiecim to be killed in mass shootings and worked to death. This shows unfair treatment because people would be forced to work.
  • Channah Mazansky-Zaidel

    Channah Mazansky-Zaidel
    They were taken to a forest and forced to strip naked and dig trenches and then lay down in the trench that they dug, and then they would be shot to death.
  • Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews

    Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews
    Anyone who was caught helping a jew would be sent to Poland for a death penalty. This shows unfair treatment because people couldn’t help jews without the thought of being killed if caught.