
Period of Diminishing Progress

By JackD.
  • Introduction-click this first

    This timeline is about the life of Antonio Johnson, an African exported to colonial Virginia. When he got there, he was considered an indentured servant. The Seite Partidas laws prevented him from being bonded for life. But many terrible and inhumane laws affected slaves at the time and eventually affected him. The story begins at 1620…
  • Intro, part 2

    Intro, part 2
    Antonio is recorded on a colonial census as, "Antonio a Negro". He is a servant and at the very bottom of the social ladder. He has nowhere to go but up (or stay there).
  • Guns are Taken Away

    Guns are Taken Away
    The law states: "ALL persons exept negroes are to be provided with arms and amuniton..."
    It creates a legal distiction between Africans and Englishmen. This is the first time (so far) this has happened in the history of slavery (to them).
    This law shows that the Englishmen want to make the blacks more dependent on them, giving the Englishmen more power. this is an example of "diminishing progress".
    For more on this law, click here!
  • Antonio Aquires Land

    Antonio Aquires Land
    Antonio goes to court, officialy proving he is free and has land. This is good because the majoity of Africans in colonial Virginia were slaves. This is an example of progress because most Africans didn't have land. He now does not have to depend on English. It says on Court Case D: "...I will work when I please and I will [rest] when I please..." for information on how a court case works, <a href='' >click here<
  • Antonio Wins Court Case

    Antonio Wins Court Case
    Anthony goes to court over his slave, John Casar, and wins.This is a big moment for him. Africans were considered inferior at the time. He has shown that not all of them are. It says from wikipeidia: " ...ordered That the said John Casor Negro forthwith returne unto the service of the said master Anthony Johnson..."
    This is an example of progress because there is still a sense of equality at this time. Later, howerver, slaves cannot go to court.
  • Baptism doesn't Exempt Slaves From Bondage.

    Baptism doesn't Exempt Slaves From Bondage.
    This law states that "...baptisme doth not alter the condition of...bondage or ffreedome...". (from
    this website.)
    This is making sure that the masters have absolute control over the slaves. It is giving the Englishmen even more power. This does not affect the condition of Africans that are already free.
    This is an example of "diminishing progress".
  • The Worst Act Ever

    The Worst Act Ever
    The law simply states: All negro, mulatto, and indian slaves are property for life.
    It gives Englishmen COMPLETE control over any slave, and defined them as "property", not "people". This law is the one that really ties the knot. In the beginning, slaves were only allowed to be held for 20-30 years. Now, they can be held for eternity.
    It is an great, yet terrible, example of "diminishing progress".
    See here for more info.
  • Conclusion

    This is a story of a man who worked himself to freedom, but because of a systematic passing of laws, his children were not able to share the same freedom. The opressing of a certain group should never happen again. Don't let it happen.
  • Works Cited

    page 4, Act X, page 6, Act III, page 9, Act VIII, page 14, Act XXII, page 16, Court Case A, page 17, Court Case C page 22, Document D
    Pics from Google Images,