period 2: 1607-1754

  • Period: to

    period 2: 1607

  • The house of burgesses

    The virginia company guaranteed colonist the same right as residents in england, including lawmaking. In 1619 after 12 years of settlement the organized the first representative assembly in america, The House of Burgesses .
  • mayflower compact

    a social contract with was used for government for the plymouth colony. This was between the pilgrims of the plymouth colony it states that sate and religion is separate
  • The new england confederation

    confederation-the first ”military” group they protected the new england colonies against natives and dutch.
  • Act of Tolerance

    To avoid religious persecution in england any wealthy english catholics emigrated to maryland and establish large plantations. In 1649 calvert persuaded the assembly to adopt the act of tolerance, which granted religious freedom for all christians. But this called for the death of everyone who didn't believe in jesus
  • Navigation acts

    1.) trade to and from the colonies would be carried out by english or colonial built ships which operated only by english or coloyal crews. 2.) all goods transported to the colonies had except for perishables had to pass through ports in england . 3.) specific or enumerated goods from the colonies could be exported to england only. Origany tobacco but over the years the list expanded.
  • The Great Awakening

    The great awakening was a movement characterized by fervent expressions of religious feeling among masses of people. For the first time americans regarded their national origins or social class and shared common experiences as americans. It changed the way people viewed authority. People made their own religious designs not based on a higher authority or minister.