
  • May 7, 1525

    First Visited

    First Visited
    Portuguese explorer Alejo Garcia visits Paraguay.
  • Independence

    Paraguay gains its independence from Rio de le Plata (Argentina) after also belonging to the vice-royality of Peru.
  • Lost sea access

    Paraguay loses over half of its population and large tracts of land in war with Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay over sea access.
  • Democracy...kind of

    Stroessner deposed in coup led by Gen Andres Rodriguez, who is then elected president. However, Stroessner's centre-right, military-backed National Republican Association-Colorado Party wins parliamentary elections.
  • New democratic constitution promulgated

  • Totalitarianism

    General Alfredo Stroessner seizes power in coup, ushering in more than 30 years of ruthless dictatorship.