America is founded
The first settlement in America was in Jamestown, VA in 1607 by England. -
Henry Hudson claimed land for the dutch -
Captian Samuel Argall
Captian Samuel Argall, an English sea captian, names the bay after Lord De La Warr, the governor of Virginia -
Swedish Settlement
Swedish settlers set up the first settlement. -
Dutch lose New York
The Dutch lose New Amsterdam to the British which is renamed as New York, after the Duke of York -
King Charles II
King Charles II totally ignored any Dutch claims and gave the entire country to his brother James, Duke of York -
William Penn
King Charles II of England owed the Quaker, William Penn, 16,000 pounds, and when Penn asked the King to grant him land it was granted -
King Charles II of England specified in the charter given to William Penn that the name should be Pennsylvania -
Peter Minuet
Swedish settlement led by Peter Minuet staring the New Sweden Colony