Our Town Timeline of Events

  • Emily Gibbs 12 birthday

    Emily turns 12, this is the day she went back after she was dead.
  • George and Emily go to the soda shop

    They go to the soda shop to talk after Emily tells George how he is changing, and how she doesn't like it.
  • High school Comencement

    School Graduation.
  • George and Emily's wedding

    George and Emily get married.
  • Joe Crowell

    Joe dies in the war. He went into the war after he graduated from high school, and college. He was the top of his class.
  • Emily has her first child

    Emily gives birth to a baby boy. In the book it says that her first child was four when she died. That helped me find out when she had her first child.
  • Emily's death

    She died during childbirth.
  • Doc Gibbs Death

    He died, and they named a hospital after him.