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Introduction of the Partners step2

  • Period: to

    Climate Change - A Climate zone Map

    Guess what Is my Climate zone?
    Students use an Interactive Climate zone Map to discover Information about their partners' schools, choosing some profiles their peers prepared.
    Each class will post some questions to their peers using Mentimeter.
    Name of country, continent. Is there a River, the Sea in your area? What kind of trees are planted in your town/region ? What's the weather?
    Did it Change recently ?
    Do you know what is a weather warning?
  • Period: to

    Footprint Calculator

    Participants : Each partner country by its own and then in transnational groups Digital tools : a Footprint and Waterprint Calculator, the App Summarize to do the summary of long articles to read ( Eco Footprints, the Australian Fire). Activities
    - After the Reading of a dossier about Eco Footprints and Waterprints, students Will use a Footprint Calculator to measure each own Footprint. Then they interact to compare the results.
  • Sharing Footprints

    Sharing Footprints