Oort titles

Oort Clouds

  • Coud Postulated

    The cloud theory was postulated by Estonian Astronomer Ernst Opik
  • Cloud Revived

    Oort Cloud theory is proposed by dutch astronomer Jan Oort, and is accepted by the scientific community.
  • Inner Cloud

    J.G. Hills proposes the idea of an inner oort cloud
  • Sun's Twin Hypothesis

    Sun's Twin Hypothesis
    Richard A. Muller hypothesises that the sun has a red or brown dwarf companion, Nemisis, that passes through the oort cloud every 26 million years
  • Jupiter traps stray comets

    Comets from the inner oort cloud that come within Jupiters gravitational pull are trapped and forced to collide with the planet
  • Universe transformed into galactic plane

    Universe transformed into galactic plane
    John Matese and Patrick Whitman and their collegues created a galactic plane to track comets and astroids in the oort cloud
  • Galactic Plane Expanded

    Matese and Daniel Whitmire track a certain group of astroids and find that some are forced out by larger and more powerful astroids
  • Tyche

    Matese hypothesises that more comets are entering the inner solar system. It has been thought that a gas giant, Tyche, is causing these astroids and comets to leave the normal orbit.

    "Oort Cloud." Timetoast. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec. 2013.