Spindletop gusher sml

Oil Timeline

By Savitha
  • Edwin L. Drake strikes oil

    Edwin L. Drake strikes oil
    Drilled 69 1/2 feet to strike oil in Titusville PA and is credited with being the first to drill for oil in the United States.
  • Pacific Coast Oil Co.

    Pacific Coast Oil Co.
    Pacific Coast Oil Co. was founded in San Francisco by Lloyd Tevis, George Loomis and Charles Felton. It eventually became ChevronTexaco.
  • Edwin Drake

    Edwin Drake
    Edwin Drake the first man to find oil died penniless
  • Anti-monopoly laws

                     Anti-monopoly laws
    Because of anti-monopoly laws, Standard Oil was organized as a trust.
  • Hurricane of 1900

    Hurricane of 1900
    The Hurricane of 1900 was in the city of Galveston, Texas, in the United States.
  • Spindletop

    At this time in history the spindletop well struck oil, which massively effected the oil boom.
  • Wright Brothers

    Wright Brothers
    Wright Brothers made their first motorized that flight lasted 59 seconds.
  • First Model T

    First Model T
    The model T is an automobile that was produced by Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company.
  • Howard Hughes Sr.

    Howard Hughes Sr.
    Howard Hughes Sr. developed a new type of drill bit called the rotary drill bit.
  • Automobiles

    Over 650,000 automobiles registered in the United States.
  • Tax in gas

    Tax in gas
    Oregon introduced the first state tax on gasoline at one cent per gallon, to be used for road construction.
  • Period: to

    Prohibition law takes place

  • Highways

    In 1945 began the Esenhower interstate highway system this provided more roads and contructed more jobs