October crisis

  • Kennedy was informed of the missile bases

  • Kennedy decided to do a blockade of Cuba

  • Kennedy announced the blockade and told the Soviet Union to take off their missiles

  • Kennedy receives a letter from Khuruschev which said that their ships would not see the blockade, they still didn’t admit they put nuclear missiles in Cuba

  • The blockade began and Soviet ships which carried missiles that were accompanied by a submarine went towards the blockade zone, but turned around

  • More aerial photographies showed that the missile bases plan was advancing quickly

  • Khrushchev sent a letter to Kennedy saying that the missiles were defensive, he admitted the presence of missiles.

  • Khrushchev sent another letter saying that he would remove the missiles if the USA remove their missiles from Turkey

  • An american plane which was flying over Cuba was neutralized and the pilot was killed. Kennedy was decided to attack Cuba

  • Kennedy delayed the attack but said that if the Soviet Union do not take off their missiles, USA would attack

  • Khrushchev agreed with Kennedy and took off the missiles from Cuba and returned them to the Soviet Union