
obsolete products

  • 962 BCE

    the progress of technology

    Technology is always hurtling forward.While you might not be consciously aware of the feverish pace of change today, it's easy to look back on dozens of technologies that are now completely obsolete thanks to the march of progress.
  • 600

    paper m

    paper m
    Maps became obsolete due to the proliferation of navigation systems and digital mapping applications on phones, offering real-time navigation, updated traffic information, and personalized route recommendations. they Mainly prominent throughout the 20th century until the early 2000s were once indispensable tools for navigation and exploration peaking during the mid-20th century. However, the convenience and accuracy of digital maps quickly surpassed that of paper maps, leading to their decline.
  • landline

    Landline telephones became obsolete due to the widespread adoption of mobile phones and. they were Mainly prevalent throughout the 20th century until the early 21st century after being made in 1867 by alexander graham bell. they reached their peak in the mid to late 20th century, serving as the primary means of communication for households and businesses.The decline of landline telephones began with the advent of mobile phones in the late 1980s, which offered greater mobility and convenience.
  • wristwatches

    Watches were once considered essential accessories, and were popularized in ww1 .watches are becoming obsolete due to technological advancements in technology and smartphone had a built-in alarm clock which was added in 1994 .the main reason watches became less used cause people nowadays use their phones to tell the time instead of watches. The product became obsolete because people started using their phones which are more easy to understand that regular wristwatches .but some still use them
  • typewriters

    Typewriters were discovered in the 16th century and they were made available for commercial use by the late 19th century. Typewriters have transformed the way pen and paper work on a computer crafted document. In today’s day and age, one can hardly find a typewriter. In 2011, the world's last remaining manual typewriter manufacturer closed for good in Mumbai, India.
  • fax machines

    fax machines
    Fax machines have also largely become obsolete. Long before email and cloud storage, people used to send documents over the phone. They were first invented in 1964 but they were mainly used during the 1980s but over time they became obsolete. The more the internet became worldwide and more mainstream in the 1990s and 2000s the more stuff like fax machines died . They have gradually been rendered obsolete by Internet-based technologies such as email and the World Wide Web.
  • cameras

    Film cameras became obsolete due to the rapid advancements in digital camera technology. Film Cameras reached their peak in the mid to late 20th century, serving as the primary tool for capturing photographs. However, with the advent of digital cameras in the late 20th century, film cameras began to lose their market share. Digital cameras offered instant previews, easier editing, and the ability to store thousands of photos without the need for film or developing costs.
  • cassete tapes

    cassete tapes
    Cassete tapes became obsolete because they were Replaced by CDs, due to higher audio quality, portability, and convenience. Cassette Tapes (Mainly famous in the 1970s-1990s) . The golden era lasted for about a decade, but by 1991, everyone knew the CD was the new format. As portable as a cassette tape but much more durable and offering better sound quality, the small silver disc pushed the cassette out of the market. By the early 2000s, the audio tape's market share was negligible.
  • phonebooks

    Phonebooks became obsolete because they were supplanted by online search engines and digital directories, offering more efficient access to contact information. when phonebooks peaked in terms of their usage and popularity was around the late 80s. they were serving as the go-to resource for finding contact details for individuals and businesses. However, with the widespread availability of internet search engines like Google and online directories , the need for printed phonebooks dwindled.
  • pagers

    Pagers were invented in the 1950s, Pagers reached their peak in the 1990s, serving as essential communication tools for professionals in healthcare, emergency services, and business. Offering reliable message delivery in areas with poor cellular coverage, pagers were prized for their simplicity and immediate notification capabilities. However, their decline began with the widespread adoption of mobile phones, which provided two-way communication and a broader range of features.
  • vhs tapes

    vhs tapes
    VHS Tapes (Mainly prominent from the very late 1970s to the mid-2000s) the peak year for VHS tapes can be generally pinpointed to around 1996. dominating the home video market as the primary format for recording and watching movies and television shows. However, with the introduction of DVDs in the late 1990s, consumers were provided with a higher-quality alternative that offered better picture resolution and sound quality, as well as additional features like chapter selection and bonus content.