Obsolete items

  • 1012

    stand alone gps

    stand alone gps
    a gps that sits on your dashboard telling you where to go
  • typewriter

    a device used to type letters or other lengthy writings neatly.
  • landline

    a device used to call someones house
  • DVDs

    a circle disk that is used to play movies, games, or even music
  • fax machines

    fax machines
    a machine used to send letters to other places, like a friends house
  • floppy disks

    floppy disks
    a small storage device used to backup things youve been working on
  • flip phone

    flip phone
    a phone that was mainly used to call people
  • fidget spinners

    fidget spinners
    a device (mainly) kids use to help them pay attention in class.
  • alarm clocks

    alarm clocks
    a electronic device that rings at a certain time to wake you up, went obsolete because of our phones.
  • blu ray

    blu ray
    a device used to stream movies or anything on cds