Northwest territory

  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    There was a belief know as Manifest Destiny and that was were the United States was sure to expoand all the way to the spacific ocean and they believed that nothing could stop the growth from taking place and they believed that the colonist had belived that North America was a promised land that god had given them so tghat they could set up a new society.
  • Northwest territory

    Northwest territory
    The United States they prohibited slavery and they had a self government abd there was 5 states created out of this territory and they are Ohio,Indiana,Pennsylvania,Wisconsin,Michigan and they had to have requirements to become a state and they are 6,00 population, own constitution,education system ,provide saftey,provide saftey requirements.
  • Period: to

    manifest destiny

  • Louisiana pourchase

    Louisiana pourchase
    We bought this land from France and it was so big that it almost doubled the size of the United States. The president that bought this was Thomas Jefferson and he spent $15 million dollars for it so that they could have the Mississippi river because that is how they shiped good's back and fourth to each other.
  • Adams onis treaty

    Adams onis treaty
    It was basicly were the southernrs got upset with the Native Americans because they were taking over the land and destroying it. So then Monroe set troops under the comand of general Andrew Jackson to secure the border of Florida and they overthrew the president.And then spain and the U,S both agreed upon and gained something and that is Spain gave East Florida to the U.S and gave up it's claims to west Flordia and in return the United States gave up its claims to what is now texas.
  • original 13 colonies

    original 13 colonies
    They gained control over this land by winning the war and in return they got this land and they made the Decleration Of indipendence and that is a statement ofthat gave the colonies indipendence and we had a 7 year revolutionary war that made the ecconomy bad and we had to create the stamp act , sugar act ,and the tea party to get money to pay the debt off for the seven year war.
  • Oregon territory

    Oregon territory
    Spain was the one who originaly shared control of the territory with the U.S and they tried to avoid war with great britain resulting that they had to sign a treaty. And there is one state that still today that is here because of this and that is California
  • Mexican cession

    Mexican cession
    In the Mexican cession the united states and mexico argued over the land and they had a war over the land and it was called the Mexican-American war and they had a treay called the Gadsden purchase that ended the war and there were 3 states that the U.S created out of the mexican cession and ther are California,Navada,Utha, and it nearly increased the country size by 25%
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    This is where Texas lied to the U.S and told them that they were going to have cheap or free land and they didnt have to pay taxes then the Americans started moving to Texas and then Texas wanted the to follow the Mexican laws and that they had to change their religion to roman catholic and the people did not want to do it and so then the United states did not want Texas to become a state because they could turn it into a slave state.
  • Gadsden purchase

    Gadsden purchase
    The Gadsden purchase was were the U.S was trying to avoid war so they purchased this land under Gadsden purchase and it would give them more land. And for the land that they gained they payed $10 million and there were 2 states created and they are Arizona,and New Mexico. and with this purchase the continental boundaries of the United States were finaly fixed .