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Noam Chomsky 1928-

  • Chomsky biography

    Chomsky biography
    [Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, and activist. He is Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at MIT and one of the most outstanding figures of twentieth-century linguistics, thanks to his work in linguistic theory and cognitive science.
    ] “Noam Chomsky.”, A&E Networks Television, 7 June 2016,
  • Chomsky raises the "Plato problem"

    This innateness of language is concretized by saying that everyone is born with an internal construct, a specifically human and genetically inherited innate scheme that is what he calls LAD (Language Acquisition Device). This mechanism has as its content a set of universal grammatical principles that are Universal Grammar. When one is born, with this device, it begins to receive linguistic stimuli or primary linguistic data.
  • Syntactic Structures Book and Language aquisition

    Syntactic Structures Book and Language aquisition
    “Syntactic Structures.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 4 Mar. 2019, 4, BBC Radio. “Noam Chomsky on Language Aquisition.” YouTube, YouTube, 22 Jan. 2015,
  • Noam Chomsky's Theory Of Universal Grammar Is Right

    Noam Chomsky's Theory Of Universal Grammar Is Right
    This ability is innate in the human being and not cultural as sociology and much of the psychology has taught for a long time. But not only that which is innate but must be studied as something structural of being. It must be seen as a physical part as well as the growth of an arm or any other part of the human body. It opens the doors to study this particular phenomenon that we call language, not only from the outside but from within, following the genetic principles.
  • transformational grammar contribution to philosophy of science

    transformational grammar contribution to philosophy of science
    He made a fundamental contribution to modern linguistics, with the theoretical formulation and development of the concept of "transformational grammar" (also called "generative"), whose main novelty lies in the distinction of two different levels in the analysis of sentences: On the one hand, the deep structure, which consists of a set of rules of great generality from which the «superficial structure» of the phrase is generated by means of a series of transformation rules.
  • Chomsky Political contributions

    Chomsky Political contributions
    He is considered a key figure of the radical American left and even the most outstanding intellectual of this country, a facet especially appreciated in Europe, where his lectures, articles, and political essays are constantly reprinted. Provoking frequent polemics with their denunciations of US imperialism since the beginning of the Vietnam War and their repeated criticisms of the political and economic system of the United States.