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No Pretty Pictures

  • Birth

    Anita Lobel was born to moderately wealthy Jewish parents in Krakow, Poland.
  • Period: to

    No Pretty Pictures Takes Place

  • Germans Come

    German soldiers come to Krakow, Poland. Anita's father leaves, and she will not see him for another seven years.
  • Lapanow

    Anita's mother decides Krakow is not safe for her children. Anita, her brother, and her nanny, Niania, go to live with her relatives in Lapanow, a town in the countryside.
  • Niania's Hometown

    With raids in nearby towns, Anita's mother decides that Niania will take Anita and her brother to her recently deceased mother's house. There they trade Anita's family's possessions from before the war for food.
  • Jewish Ghetto

    Jewish Ghetto
    Anita and her brother sneak into the Jewish ghetto with their mother, to live with their aunt, uncle, and cousin.
  • Convent

    Anita and her brother, once again with Niania, go to stay at a Convent of Benedictine Sisters, pretending to be hospital patients.
  • Plaszow

    Anita and her brother are found out to be Jews, and are taken to a work camp in Plaszow by the Nazis, where her aunt, uncle, and cousin also live,
  • Concentration Camp

    Anita and her aunt, uncle, cousin, and brother are taken to another concentration camp on a cattle car. They do not know where they are, and they are forced to have their heads shaved.
  • Tuberculosis

    Soldiers come to free the Jews from the concentration camp! Diagnosed with tuberculosis, Anita and her brother are sent to a sanatorium in Sweden. She then comes into contact with her mother for the first time in years.
  • Parents

    Anita is taken to a shelter for Polish people in Sweden, to wait for her parents to come find her so she can live with them. When they come to get her, they go to live in Stockholm. She also begins school in the fall.
  • America

    Anita, leaves high school with her brother, mother, and father to move to America.