Auschwitz plaque 4mil


  • Elie learns Kaballah from Moshe.

  • Moshe is taken to a camp,but he escapes,and he warns everybody.

  • Period: to


  • Elie's family is placed in the ghetto.

  • The Hungarian police begin to take over.

  • They are removed from the ghetto and placed into wagons; they then begin their jouney to Auschwitz.

  • Madam Schachter 'sees' the flames.

  • Elie gives up his golden crown in exchange for the safety of his father.

  • They arrive at Auschwitz and Elie and his father are seperated from his mom and sister.

  • Elie's head is shaved andhe gets his number.

  • Elie dose nothing when his father is hit.

  • Elie leaves Auschwitz and enters Buna.

  • Elie sees the man get hanged.

  • Elie sees yat another boy get hanged,but this time,it was a boy his age.

  • On Rosh Hashanah, Elie does not pray.

  • Elie does not fast on Yom Kippur.

  • Elie passes selection.

  • Elie's father believes he is near death and gives Elie his inheritence.

  • Elie begins to have problems with his foot.

  • Elie and his father decide to march instead of staying at the camp.

  • They walk for 42 miles until they reach the next camp.

  • They stay at camp for 3 days.

  • Before they leave, they must undergo selection.

  • Elie saves his father from being selected.

  • Elie dosen't let his father get thrown out of the wagon.

  • Elie won't let his father give up hope.

  • Elie's father dies.

  • Some Jews were set free.

  • The Jews take over the camp.

  • Elie is freed.

  • Elie becomes ill 2 weeks after leaving the camp.