New Technology

  • The Assembly Line

    The Assembly Line
    It was first fully adopted by Henry Ford in 1913 to produce the famous Ford Model. The moving line was perfected in the 1920's.
  • First US Radio Station

    First US Radio Station
    America's first Radio Station, KDKA, was aired and issued with the first ever license on Oct. 27, 1920.
  • Lie Detector

    Lie Detector
    The lie detector, the modern polygraph system that sensed reactions that determined if a person was lying, was invented by John A. Larson.
  • Traffic Signal

    Traffic Signal
    After seeing two vehicles crash into each other Garret Morgan invented the traffic signal.
  • The Television

    The Television
    The first television was invented in 1925 by John Logie Baird. The first experimental television broadcast in the US. was in 1928.
  • Jukebox

    The first selective jukebox was introduced in 1927 by the Automated Musical Instrument Company.